1.【中】Digital Economy 2025 The impact on the telecoms sector -中文版.pptx

1.【中】Digital Economy 2025 The impact on the telecoms sector -中文版.pptx

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1.【中】Digital Economy 2025 The impact on the telecoms sector -中文版

Digital Economy 2025: The impact on the telecoms sector 2025年的数字经济:对电信业的影响;Agenda 目录;About me 自我介绍;About Ovum’s 2025 project Ovum推出的2025年系列报告简介 ;Ovum’s Digital Economy 2025 series Ovum推出2025年数字经济系列报告;;Telecoms in context: The wider world of 2025 电信业背景:2025年的广阔世界 ;Economic social pressures demand productivity gains to 2025 在2015-2025年期间,经济社会压力要求提高生产率;Expect increased technology availability disruption too… 技术可用性破坏预计也会增加;…resulting in the Second Digital Revolution 导致第二次数字革命出现;Frequency impact of business disruption will increase 业务中断的频率和影响将增加 ;Transform or die: Failure to change has negatively impacted 74% of companies in 20 years 要么转型要么被淘汰:在20年里,转型失败对74%的公司产生了负面影响;More processes disrupted in more industries in more countries than ever before 更多国家的更多行业遭遇到空前的进程中断;An example: Humans have been dairy farmers for c.7500 years, but never like this 示例:人类一直是奶农,但从未像现在这样;Impact of living ‘above or below the API’ affects both ‘blue’ ‘white collar’ workers “高于或低于 API” 的生存方式将对蓝领和白领工作者产生影响;Market forces facing the telecoms industry 电信业面临的市场力量;Saturation, growing traffic slowing spending shaping telecoms 电信业面临市场饱和、流量增多及支出放缓的局面;CSPs have an essential role as more business-critical data managed 伴随管理更多业务关键型数据,CSP将扮演重要角色;Regulation adapts to keep pace 监管将自我调整以保持同步;The network of 2025 will be less siloed 2025年的网络将不会再那么孤立;Service evolution to 2025 到2025年的服务演进 ;Connectivity at the heart of telecoms opportunities 连接是核心电信机会;Communications patterns continue to change 通信模式持续变化;;Digitalization increases enterprise opportunity, but who does the ‘CIO’ call? 数字化推动来自企业领域的机会增加,但CIO会选择谁呢?;Ecosystem changes 生态系统变化;Note: Bubble size illustrative of number of CSPs in segment 圆圈大小表示该领域CSP的??量;SMART players cement their hold on services 智慧型玩家的服务地位稳固;Ecosystem disruption impacts vendors too 生态系统破坏也对供应商造成影响;Critical success factors to 2025 到2025年的关键成功因素;Change will be the only constant for TMT 对TMT而言,变化是唯一不变的主题;Scale: Consolidation will have to continue 规模:整合将会继续;True custome



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