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PAGE  PAGE - 3 - 单  元:Unit 1 The written world 板  块:Task 2 Thoughts on the design: 本节课是以说和写为主的语言综合技能训练课,首先以一则文学评论为话题,让学生两人一组或四人一组操练和交换有关“意见”的句型。其次,重点围绕这则文学评论,分析文学评论的写作特点,并在课堂上限时操练和讲评。本节课的难点在于课堂时间的分配与把握。如果时间有限,可以让学生在课内完成文学评论的前两段并及时点评。而后两段可作为课外作业。 Teaching aims: In this part, students will practise in pairs how to ask for and give opinions under the guidance. Meanwhile, they are expected to apply these skills practically by writing a literary review of a short story The home-made ball. Step 1 Lead-in Ask students to read the instruction for skills building 2 and find out the useful phrases for the following points: giving opinion asking for opinions showing agreement showing disagreement Ask students to read answers aloud together. Answers: giving opinions: I feel that … /If you ask me, I would say … /In my opinion… asking for opinions: Do you think that …? / How do you feel about …? / What’s your opinion of …? showing agreement: Exactly! /I think so, too. /I feel the same way. showing disagreement: I disagree. /I beg to differ. /I don’t feel the same way. 本节课的导入,以阅读课本上有关如何询问及给予意见的说明材料着手。学生在对此有所了解的基础上,可以以“脑力风暴”的形式做进一步的拓展。 Step 2 Reading Ask one student to read out the passage in step 2 A literary review of ‘The Attic’. And then explain to the students the different meanings of the words ‘gravity’ ‘mistaken’ in the following sentences. Cindy is abused by her ugly stepmother and two greedy stepsisters. You shouldn’t abuse your privilege. It can’t have been my car. You must be mistaken. With her hair cut short, she could easily have been mistaken for a boy. Answers: 虐待/滥用; 犯错的, 错误的/犯错的, 错误的 这则文学评论虽短,但生词较多。除上面两个重点单词外,还可让学生结合上下文及构词法等猜测其他生词的含义。文章也可由教师自己朗读。 Step 3 Speaking Ask students to students to work in pairs or in groups to discuss the questions listed below the review. Encourage students to give their ideas freely and accept any reasonable answers. You may walk around the classroom to help and make sure that students all partic


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