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译林牛津高一必修4 Unit 2;About the Olympic Games:;4. Who is the chairman of International Olympic Committee? ;Which of the following is the Beijing Olympic Emblem(会徽) ? ;;;How many gold medals did China win in the 2000 Olympic Games?;How many gold medals did China win in the 2004 Olympic Games?;Europe;Listen to the tape and finish Part A on page 22 ;What are the differences/ similarities between the ancient and the modern Olympic Games?;;Have a discussion;The Honourable Games ;;Original name Classius Clay, Came to public attention in 1960, In 1964 won first Championship, Returned to the 1996 Olympics to...;Superstar in NBA, was the highest scorer at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, At the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, won second medal ;the Greatest distance runner, ? became famous in 1992, ? in 1995 broke the world record, ? At the 1996 and 2000 Olympics won gold medals. ; At the 1992 and 1996 Olympics, In 2000, ;What kind of spirits do you think these athletes have in common? ;What’s the Olympic motto?;higher;Discussion:;The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, as the most important thing in life is not the success but the struggle. The motto encourages people not to be satisfied with the present. People all over the world unit and struggle for a better future. ;What is the slogan of the 2008 Olympic Games? ;It’s a rainbow of color 这是缤纷灿烂的彩虹 In a sky full of thunder 这是雷霆万钧的天空 When we open our eyes 当我们睁开双眼 Do we see what we want to see所见是否如愿 There is only one planet 只有一个绕日而行星球 That circles the sun它是我们共同的家园 That we all call our home只要我们坚定不移 And in only one moment 瞬间亦可让命运改变 If we all decide 在这唯一的世界,梦想和宇宙 We can change our destiny. 缔造和平团结的唯一愿望 ;One world, one dream, one universe 而这唯一的希冀,爱和家园 One dream of peace, of unity 是人类共同的心愿 One hope, one love, one family One wish for all humanity ;We can lift every border 当人们并肩战斗 If we stand up together 就能守卫任何边界 With compassionate hearts 用慈悲的心怀 We can strive


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