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Shipping、Trading and Chartering and Terms Definitions 国际贸易、航运和租船条款解说 C-D C Cabotage Water transportation term applicable to shipments between ports of a nation; commonly refers to coast-wise or inter-coastal navigation or trade. Many nations, including the United States, have cabotage laws which require national flag vessels to provide domestic interport service.(Another expression: Transport of goods between two ports or places located in the same country.) 近海航行/运(权),沿岸航行/运(权), 国内交通运输权” 适用于国内港口之间水上运输术语;一般指沿海航线或两岸间航行或贸易。很多国家,包括美国,有国内交通运输法,要求悬挂国旗的船舶提供内贸(运输)服务。(在国内港口或地方之间的货物运输) CAConf Cargo Agency Conference 货运代理公会-国际航空运输协会 Cancelling Latest date by which vessel is to arrive at a loading port 船舶必须到达装货港口的最后日期 Capsize (vessel) Vessel too large to fit through the Suez (or Panama ) Canal 好望角/海湾型船舶,无法通过苏伊士运河的船舶 (注:15万吨以上级) Captain’s Protest A document prepared by the captain of a vessel on arriving at port; shows conditions encountered during voyage, generally for the purpose of relieving ship owner of any loss to cargo and shifting responsibility for reimbursement to the insurance company. 船长海事声明。当船舶到达港口时船长发表的声明,说明 在航程中遭遇的事件。通常是为了免去船东对货物损失的 责任并把赔偿的责任转移给保险公司。 Car Pooling Use of individual carrier/rail equipment through a central agency for the benefit of carriers and shippers. 联合租用/雇用的运输工具,为了承运人和发货人的利益通过中间代理雇用(第三方的)自有承运工具/铁路设备。 Car Seal Metal strip and lead fastener used for locking freight car or truck doors. Seals are numbered for record purposes. 车封,锁住运货车辆的门的金属锁扣。铅封编号是为便于记录 Cars Knocked Down Automobile parts and subassemblies manufactured abroad and transported to a designated assembly plant 汽车拆卸,汽车部件。(汽车零部件出口运输到一个指定的组装工厂) Carfloat


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