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第 28卷第 5期 河 北 法 学 Vol. 2 8 , N o. 5 2 0 1 0 年 5 月 H ebei L aw S cience M ay , 2 0 1 0 河北省土地流转现状研究 李学勤 ( ) 河北政法职业学院 ,河北 石家庄 05006 1 摘  要 : 农村土地使用权流转是解决城乡二元结构 ,实现农村规模化经营的必由之路 , 目前河北省土地流转有明显的随 意性 ,市场管理不规范 、法律法规不健全等困境 ,通过对河北农村的实际调查研究并结合我国农地流转市场的发 展历程 ,总结河北省农地承包经营权流转市场的突出问题 ,探寻适合河北省具体情况的农村土地流转的模式的 法律框架 。 关键词 : 土地承包经营权 ; 流转 ; 法律 中图分类号 : DF45   文献标识码 : A    文章编号 : 1002 3933 (20 10) 05 0 148 06 Research on the Tran sfer S itua tion of the Rura l L and L I Xueq in (H ebei Profe ssional Co llege of Political Science and L aw , Sh ij iazhuang 05006 1 Ch ina) A b stra c t: Tran sfer of the ru ral land u se right is imp erative to settle ou t the p rob lem of dualistic structu re of cityrural area, and realize largescale op eration in the ru ral area. Presently the tran sfer of rural land in H ebei is obviou sly hap hazard. A ccordingly, the relevant m arket adm in istration is not standarized, and the ru les of law is not sound enough. B y the p ractical investigation and su rvey of H ebei ru ral area as well as the study of developm ent of tran sfer of ru ral land in Ch ina, th is article summ arizes the p rom inent p rob lem s in H ebei concern ing the tran sfer of land contract and m anagem ent rights and exp lores the ru les of law regarding the rural land tran sfer mode su it


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