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Lesson One Legal system Part one:Legal phrases 1.Report (Law reports) 判例汇编:报道人reporter对于级别较高的法庭审理中的司法程序、案件事实陈述、当事人辩论、法庭判决及理由、法官的同意、反对意见等予以记载的出版物。 United States Reports 美国最高法院判例汇编 2.United States Supreme Court / Supreme Court of the United States 联邦最高法院 Chief Justice 首席大法官 associate Justices大法官 3.Case law : caselaw or case-law 判例法 Case Law System 判例法系judge-made law法官造法 Common law普通法 local custom 地方习惯法 statutory law /written law制定法 Anglo-American legal system英美法系 civil law legal system/ continental law legal system 大陆法系 equity law横平法 Chancellor’ court \ Equity’s court 衡平法院 canon / church law教会法 4.Writ令状 Writs of right权利令状 Prerogative Writs特权令状 Original writs诉讼开始令状 Judicial writs司法令状 Provision of Oxford 牛津条例 Writ upon the Case个案条例 5. stare decisis 遵循先例 6.Court rules法院规则 7.Direct sources 直接渊源 Indirect sources 间接渊源 8.Legal system 法律制度、法律体系 9.Written constitution\ragid constitution 成文宪法/刚性宪法 unwritten constitution\flexible constitution 不成文宪法/柔性宪法 10.federal system 联邦制 confeeral system邦联制 11.itinerant judge巡回法官 12.form of action诉讼形式 13.Recourse to law诉诸法律 14.jury trial\trial by jury陪审团审 grand jury大陪审团 lay people 外行 bench trial法官审 Verdict(award)陪审团的裁决 General verdict 概括性裁断,即确定原告胜诉还是被告胜(civil cases);被告有罪还是无罪(criminal cases)Special verdict特别裁断 (few special cases)陪审团仅对案件中的特定事项进行裁决,而将对该事实适用法律的问题留给法官解决 Unanimous verdict 一致裁断 Majority verdict 多数裁断 15.Real property \real estate \immovable property 不动产 movable property 动产 Part two: Legal Saying Equity saying: Equity corrects error . Equity corrects a law which is too board in that particular or in which it is defective . Equity doesn’t make the law , but assists the law . Equity acts in personam . Chancellor’s foot Lesson 2 Legal profession Lesson 3 Legal Education Lesson4 Judicial System Part1:Legal Phrase: the Bar法律职业/律师职业 Lawyer法律职业者 ABA (American Bar Association )美国律师协会 Attorney (counsellor)律师 Attorney 检察官 SJD (Doctor of Ju


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