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2015届高三英语一轮复习:Module 6 War and Peace Ⅰ.单项填空 1.—Did you make________breakthrough in the project? —No.On________contrary,we stopped because of lack of money. A.the;/         B.the;the C.a;the D.a;/ 答案 C [make a breakthrough取得突破;on the contrary相反。] 2.________what has recently been done to provide more buses for the people,a shortage of public vehicles remains a problem. A.Except for         B.Due to C.Because of D.In spite of 答案 D [考查介词短语。前一部分what has recently been done to provide more buses for the people和后面的内容之间存在着逻辑上的让步关系,所以用In spite of表示“尽管”。] 3.He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball,otherwise he________a goal. A.would have scored B.would score C.has scored D.had scored 答案 A [考查虚拟语气。表示与过去事实相反的假设,主句用would/should/could+have done结构???] 4.The similarities between identical twins often cause us to________their personal differences. A.arrest B.condemn C.betray D.overlook 答案 D [arrest逮捕;condemn指责,谴责;betray背叛,出卖;overlook忽视。] 5. Jim records his physical training every time so that he can________it and think about how he should improve it the next day. A.attach to B.break up C.refer to D.keep on 答案 C [考查动词短语辨析。句意为:Jim每次都记录下自己的体能训练情况以便他能查看并思考第二天他应如何改进。attach to与……有关联;break up粉碎,解散;refer to查看,参考;keep on继续。根据句意可知应选C。] 6.I had a________experience yesterday.The brake of my electrical bike failed and I was very________then. A.terrifying;terrified B.terrifying;terrifying C.terrified;terrified D.terrified;terrifying 答案 A [terrifying吓人的;a terrifying experience一次可怕的经历;terrified感到害怕的。] 7. I told Mom that not everyone could manage to have 3 meals on time everyday,________? A.could he B.didn’t I C.didn’t she D.could they 答案 B [考查反意疑问句。若陈述部分是一个主从复合句,附加问句一般要与主句保持一致,根据本题中的“I told Mom”可知B项正确。] 8. The kind-hearted man,who thinks ________his duty to help poor people,is popular with many people who know him. A.it B.that C.one D.this 答案 A [it在此作形式宾语,真正的宾语为后面的不定式。] 9.Everyone said the concert last night was wonderful.How I wish I________to it!



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