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PAGE  PAGE - 9 - 2015届高考英语一轮复习单元测试Module 2 A Job Worth Doing 外研版必修5 Ⅰ.单项填空 1.(2014·日照模拟)—Dad,can we go to the shop?I want to buy some sweets. —________.Can’t you see I’m busy at the moment? A.Take it easy      B.No problem C.Forget it  D.Don’t mention it 2.(2014·皖南八校高三第二次联考)I don’t think the competition is________failure,because it has offered us________valuable experience for the next competition. A./;/  B./;a C.a;/  D.a;a 3.(2014·黄冈质检)We haven’t seen each other for many years,so I am quite________the plan that we have a party this weekend. A.in place of  B.in favor of C.in honor of  D.in need of 4.(2014·宝鸡二检)Evidence came up________special speech sounds can be recognized by babies as young as 6 months old. A.what  B.which C.that  D.whose 5.(2013·皖南八校第二次联考)Singing with Sun Yang,the swimming champion,face to face is an unforgettable moment,________the little girl always treasures. A.one  B.this C.that  D.it 6.(2013·江苏南通第二次调研)—Could you tell me something about the virus,Dr Smith? —Sure.It________via the bloodstream and causes ill health in a variety of organs. A.concentrates  B.circulates C.accumulates  D.accelerates 7.(2014·马鞍山模拟)As is well-known,everyone is forbidden________in buses,regardless of what they are. A.to smoke  B.smoking C.to be smoking  D.to smoking 8.(2014·绍兴高三质检)The reason why I object to________with Mr Black in the same office is that he is a heavy smoker. A.work  B.be working C.working  D.being worked 9.(2014·淄博模拟)The major of maths or computer science can usually give you the________to an employee in a bank. A.regulation  B.qualification C.profession  D.occupation 10.(2010·湖北卷)If I find someone who looks like the suspect,my________reaction will be to tell the police. A.physical  B.immediate C.sensitive  D.sudden 11.I wasn’t blaming anyone;I________said errors like this could be avoided. A.merely  B.mostly C.rarely  D.nearly 12.—It’s reported that there’s________big breakthrough in the cancer treatment. —If on



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