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PAGE  PAGE - 10 - 2015届高考英语一轮复习单元测试Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries 外研版必修3 Ⅰ.单项填空 1.(2013·济南3月模拟)—I failed my driving test. —________;they say the best drivers always fail the first time. A.Never mind       B.Go ahead C.No problem   D.All right 2.(2014·江苏盐城二模)Lewin was interested in taking research beyond books and looking at how it could________real social change. A.bring up  B.bring about C.bring in  D.bring out 3.(2014·四川省攀枝花市模拟)—Tom has played a lot of computer games recently. —Yes,that might ________his failure in the mid-term examinations. A.account for  B.answer for C.ask for   D.stand for 4.(2014·河南郑州第一次质量预测)—How do you find the guy who took ________office last week? —He’s always finding________ fault with others. A./;a   B.the;a C./;/  D.the;/ 5.(2014·东北三校模拟)We had just covered half the journey________the engine failed and we could do nothing but wait for help. A.before  B.since C.when  D.until 6.Born into a family with three brothers,David was________to value the sense of sharing. A.brought up  B.turned down C.looked after  D.held back 7.(2014·兰州名校阶段检测)Many people believe that hunger is only a problem in the developing countries.________,it is a problem all over the world. A.For one thing  B.In addition C.As well  D.On the contrary 8.(2014·湖南十二校联考)I got an e-mail from my old friend last Sunday.Until then,we________in touch for nearly 3 years. A.didn’t get  B.haven’t got C.hadn’t got  D.don’t get 9.(2014·长沙四校联考)It was only when I reread his poems recently________I began to appreciate their beauty. A.until  B.that C.then  D.so 10.(2013·陕西西安名校第五次模拟)Our bad living habits will destroy the earth.Only by changing________we live can we save the earth. A.that  B.what C.how  D.where 11.(2014·安徽马鞍山两校第二次联考)China is developing fast.That’s________I think those of my colleagues who deal with China affairs should visit China. A.because  B.why C.when  D.how 12.(2014·山东省十二校高三联考)Much to our surprise,the witness’s________of



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