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Unit 7; Text I Text II Oral Work Listening; Pre-reading Activity Structure Vocabulary Acquisition Intensive Reading ;;红火蚁、外引红火蚁、泊来红火蚁(台湾) 入侵红火蚁是最近进入中国的入侵物种,也是世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)收录的最具有破坏力的入侵生物之一。 红火蚁工蚁多型,体长2.4-6mm(Hedges 1998),上颚4齿,触角10节,身体红色到棕色,柄后腹黑色。蚁巢向外突起呈丘状,直径一般小于46厘米。当蚁丘受到破坏时,入侵红火蚁将异常愤怒。其可用后腹部的尾刺进攻入侵者,一般被蛰刺后次日会有水疱出现。成虫食性广泛,其捕杀昆虫、蚯蚓、青蛙、蜥蜴、鸟类和小哺乳动物也采集植物种子。其进攻体型相对大的鸟类等的眼等要害器官。入侵红火蚁给被入侵地往往带来严重的生态灾难,是生物多样性保护和农业生产的大敌。红火蚁入侵住房、学校、草坪等地,与人接触的机会较大,叮??现象时有发生。其尾刺排放的毒液可引起过敏反应,甚至导致人类死亡。入侵红火蚁同时也啃咬电线,经常造成电线短路甚至引发小型火灾。;Text I;Text I;Text I;…that took no notice of him,…;glisten gleam glitter;And, as he drew in his breath and pity and terror seized him, the beast fell and the screaming stopped.;He peered over at the writhing blackness that jerked convulsively with the jerking nerves.;He peered over at the writhing blackness that jerked convulsively with the jerking nerves.;It was a swelling feeling of rage and misery and protest that expressed itself in the thought:…;…were ants trickling back with pink fragments in their mouths.;Saw the blackness thin.;And he fancied that the ants turned and went away.;…exhilarated by it.;Proudly stepping the earth, frisking a pretty white tail, it had sniffed the cold morning air.; Explain why the savagery of the soldier ant is a legend in Africa. What is an ants’ nest like in structure? How is a Queen ant different from ordinary ants? What task do the soldier ants have when the Queen is disturbed?;Useful expressions;Oral Work; Dictation A Dictation B;Listening;Listening;Listening;Listening


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