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Think Positive And Feel Positive

掌握英语,从听开始 — 中国最受欢迎英语学习网站 Think Positive And Feel Positive When you’re in a stressful situation, are you confident or insecure? Do you react positively or negatively? Negative Thinking The answer may depend in part on whom you’re around. A study by researchers at the University of Notre Dame found that negative thinking, and depression stemming from it, can be contagious in certain circumstances. For example, the researchers studied 103 freshman college roommates who’d been paired randomly. They measured each roommate’s cognitive vulnerability, or tendency to succumb to negative thinking and depression. Specifically, the researchers measured the subject’s likelihood to see negative events as a reflection of their abilities and flaws. Patterns After only six months, it became clear that thinking patterns and styles can be contagious. Students paired with a negative-thinking roommate “caught” that style and became more depressed themselves. And students paired with more positive thinking roommates were more likely to become more positive in their thinking and report less depression. Now college freshman are in a unique, life changing environment. So they might be particularly susceptible to adopting the thought and behavior patterns of people around them —perhaps more so than people in less intense situations at other stages of life. But maybe not. Other research has shown that, in general, people are affected by how those around them think. So surrounding a negative, depressed person with people who think positively could be a powerful form of therapy. 译文 积极的想法与豁达的心态 当你身处压力时,你是自信满满还是不知所措?是行动更积极还是更消极? 消极的想法 答案或许有部分和你周围所处的环境有关,圣母大学的研究者在一项研究中发现抑郁症源于消极的思维,在特定的情况下这种情绪会传染。 例如,研究专家研究了103名同宿舍的大学新生并随机的进行了对比,他们测对了每队室友的认知弱点,或是对消极思维及抑郁妥协的倾向性,特别是研究人员研究了这些新生把消极事件看成是反映自己能力和缺点的可能性。 模式 仅仅在6个月之后,测试结果证明了人的思维模式及方式会传染。在配比消极思维学生组测试中“捕捉到”的这种思维方式会让他们变得更加抑郁???而积极思维组学生的报告显示他们更加积极,较少抑郁。 由于大学新生正处在一个特殊变化环境中,所以他们容易受到周围环境影响,而愿意接受周围人的想法和行为模式,---这或许比处于其他人生阶段,竞争环境更小的人表现的更加明显。 其他研究学者的研究结果显示或许不是这样,但总体


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