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情态动词 一 概述 情态动词的共性 情态动词一般直接加动词原形, 除ought + to do sth .在否定句或疑问句中to 可以省略 情态动词不会因为主语的人称与数的变化而发生变化 当情态动词表达与说话同时或说话之后的情况,直接加动词原形(do sth/be done) .在简略回答时直接用情态动词(---Can you drive a car? ---- Yes, I can) She said he might come to the farewell party (表达说话之后的情况) She told me that he must be ill, for his face was pale(表达与说话同时情况) 当情态动词表达说话时已发生的情况,加动词完成式( have pp/have been pp) 在简略回答时用情态动词+ have (---- Did he go to the cinema? ---- No, he should have, but he had to finish a report) She may have been there yesterday She should have come to his rescue when he was trapped in the elevator last night He must have been praised at the meeting the other day 二情态动词用法 1 can 表示现在或将来的能力, 表示可能性“可能” (1)在肯定句中指逻辑推理的可能性,不指具体的事情的可能性,即泛指的可能性但在否定句或疑问句中可以表达具体一件事情的可能性 A: Driving carelessly can be dangerous B: Too much stress can drive a person mad C: Everybody can make mistakes in his life D: There being too much snow on a highway can lead to accidents (2) 在否定句中表示“不可能”A: He can’t be hungry B: She can’t have been criticized at last week’s meeting C: She can’t possibly be tired (3) 在疑问句中表示“可能吗?”A: Can she have been to the scenic spot last Friday? (4) S + can have (been)+ pp表示“可能已发生某事”,一般用在否定句或疑问句,如: Can she have been to the scenic spot last Friday? (5)在肯定句中还可以表示“有时可能” A: Scotland can be very cold in winter B: He is a bad-tempered guy, but he can be quite charming when he wishes C: You can be very annoying 总之can表示可能性“可能”时可以用在肯定句、否定句和疑问句中。 表示“允许”,相当于may, can’t 表示“不可以,不能”(1) You can park here (2)He can’t take the magazine out of the library 表示“可以”,在疑问句中主语常是第一人称或第三人称 如:(1) Can I watch TV after I have finished my job? (2) Can he do me a favor by opening the door? 2 could 1) 表示过去的能力 (1)I could climb any tree when I was young (2) I got up early so that I could catch the early bus 2) 表示过去的可能性 (1)He could be very naughty when he was a boy(2) She said that he couldn’t be hungry(3) She told me that he couldn’t have left here 3) 有时could可以代替can 表示现在或将来的情况(1) Could (=Can)


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