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Beautician, electrician, magician, musician, comedian, physician, technician, politician 1. If your stomach has signs of bloating(胀), check with your ____ instead of your surgeon. 2. My ___ said this style makes me looks professional. 1. Homo-表示“同类” hetero-异类/异种 Homosexual homocentric 同中心的homogeneous homograph 同形异义字 Heterosexual heterodoxy 异教/邪说heterogeneous 1. He is a ____not a ____. 2. The government considered his ideas as ____ 3. These two species are ____. Hyperactive Hypercritical hypertension 1. The leader is always ____ to his secretary. 3. On stage, she felt her ____ in her mind. 5. The little boy is very____. imbalanced impossible impolite impartial impassive impatient imperceptible imperfect impersonal impractical improper impure immature immeasurable immobile immoral immortal Incapable invisible injustice indifferent inacceptable inaccessible inaccurate inactive inapplicable inappropriate incoherent incomparable incompetent incomplete incomprehensible inconclusive inconsistent inconvenient incorrect incredible incurable indefinite independent inefficient Nonsmoking nonexistent nonstop non-profit non-agriculture non-alcoholic non-destructive nondurable nonessential nonmedical nonprofessional nonsense non-significant nonstandard nontoxic non-uniform不统一的nonviolent underground underestimate underline undersea underwear underdeveloped undersized underage undergo undergraduate One should not ____ the investment this industry requires. New recruits have been ____ training in recent weeks. overhead overlook overnight overseas overcoat overpass overactive overall overload overcharge overcooked overdo overdue overeat overestimate overjoyed overpopulation overproduction oversize overstate Ultrapure ultraclean ultramodern ultraliberal ultrared Ultraviolet ultrahigh ultrasound Monologue – dialogue monarch monogamy monopoly monotonous monograph monolingual Monophonic monorail 1、名词后缀 1)-or/er/ess/crat/cis:做某件事情或职业的人或物:worker, d


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