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本章要点 What is Human Resources Management Human Resource Planning Recruitment Training and Developing Compensation The Four C’s Model for Evaluating Human Resources How to Keep Employees Motivated What is Human Resources Management? The HRM process is an ongoing procedure that tries to keep the organization supplied with the right people in the right positions. What is Human Resources Management? Human Resource Planning Human Resource Planning is designed to ensure that personnel needs will be constantly and appropriately met. Fours basic aspects 1. Planning for future needs by deciding now how many people with what skills the organization will need. 2. Planning for future balance by comparing the number of needed employees with the number of present employees who can be expected to stay with organization. 3. Planning for recruiting or laying off employees. 4. Planning for the development of employees to ensure the organization has a steady supply of experienced and capable personnel. Recruitment Recruitment is concerned with developing a pool of job candidates in line with the human resource plan. Hiring from outside Educational Institutions Employment Agencies Job Advertisements Business Rivals 校园招聘的优缺点 优点: 1、针对性强 2、选择面大 3、选择层次是立体的 4、适宜进行战略性人才选择和储备部分优秀人才 校园招聘的优缺点 缺点: 1、企业对应聘者今后可能的表现和绩效缺少充分的把握。 2、企业投入的培训成本高。 3、由于学生眼高手低,对工作期望值过高,因此一年内跳槽的概率高,造成招聘成本高。 4、如果培养、任用不当,学生可能会不认同企业文化和价值观,影响企业团队的建设。 校园招聘的误区 1、招聘观念的误区:企业把招聘会当成收集简历的场所,使学生无法真正了解企业。 2、筛选材料的误区:企业过多的淘汰申请者,很可能会和优秀的大学生失之交臂。 3、笔试的误区:很多企业把笔试成绩单独作为筛选的依据。在学生有精心准备的前提下,无法真正衡量人才的含金量。 Hiring from Within 1. Promotion 2. Transfer Hiring from within Advantages: 1. Those people are already familiar with the organization and its member. 2. This policy fosters loyalty and inspires greater effort among organization members. 3. It is less expensive than to hire from outside the organization. Hiring from within Disadvantages: 1. It limits the pool of available talent. 2. It reduces the chance that fresh viewpoints will ente


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