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Unit One Marriage Exercises to the text I. Answer the following questions: 1. Two. They are arranged marriage and liberal marriage. 2. The Chinese modern system of arranged marriage is similar to blind dating in the West . 3. When a person reaches marriageable age, the parents (or relatives, friends and colleagues) compile a packet of information about her or him, including a photograph and descriptions of the family background, education, hobbies, accomplishments, and interest. They then inquire among their friends and acquaintances to see if anyone knows a boy or girl who would be a suitable marriage partner for the girl or boy. The person who does becomes the matchmaker. 4. Even if the person has not found the love of his or her life, he or she might find someone who can get along with and make a match. 5. A girl over 25 worries more. 6. Young people’s parents are more concerned about marriage. 7. A steady job, a good income, and having an apartment are the major factors. 8. They are … II. Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given words: 1. marriage 2. arrangement 3. education 4. relatively 5. manageable 6. description 7. optional 8. approval 9. freedom 10. uncommon III. Put the following sentences into Chinese, paying attention to the meanings of the italic words: match 1. 她划了一根火柴并点燃一堆火。 n. 火柴 2.每学期, 我们都在学校进行一场足球比赛。 n. 比赛 3.她决定嫁给他,因为她觉得他是很好的伴侣。 n.配偶或伴侣 4.在射箭方面没人能比得上他。 v. 超过 5. 地毯应该与窗帘搭配。 v. 搭配;匹配 arrange 1. 她很擅长插花。 v. 布置;整理 2.旅游局为我们去罗马的旅行安排了一切。 v. 安排 3.他为小提琴演奏改编了一首乐曲。 v. 改编 4.怀特夫人经常必须调停两个男孩之间的争吵。 v. 处理;调节 contact 1.你最近和你的律师联系过吗? n. 和……有联系 2.在加拿大期间他发展了许多有用的社会关系。 n. 关系 3.当两根电线接触时就引发了大火。 n. 接触 4.你知道我能在哪里找到他吗? v. 找到;联系到 concern 1.这个故事是关于很久以前住在俄罗斯的一个人。 v. 和……有关 2.这件事情对你们都很重要。 v. 影响,对……有重要性 3.这是一个使所有父母都担心的问题。 v. 使某人焦虑或担心 4.她忙于照顾这个地区的老人。 v. 忙于某事 5.失业问题是每个人都关心的事。


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