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Unit Five;1. a favorite way of keeping fit最喜爱的一项健身方式 最喜爱的一种放松方式 relaxation 2. be normally/basically healthy (身体)基本健康 基本正确 be correct 3. at a steady speed以稳定的速度 以较慢的速度 a slow . 4. run over short or longer distances跑或长或短的距离 飞过很长一段距离fly a very long distance 5. a form of exercise一种运动形式 一种开玩笑的方式 joking ;6. people in their seventies七十多岁的人 一位五十多岁的女士a woman/lady her fifties 7. the advantage of jogging慢跑的好处 学习一门外语的好处 learning a foreign language 8. run around college campuses围绕着大学校园跑 围绕着太阳转move the sun 9. special equipment专门的装备 专门的训练课程a training class/course 10. good quality running shoes高质量的跑鞋 劣质产品bad products ;11. be able to jog能够慢跑 能够开车 drive 12. in the depth of winter在严冬 在大海深处 the sea 13. jog alone独自一人慢跑 独自完成这项工作 finish the work . 14. your chosen distance你所选择的距离 你所选择的学科 your subject 15. be good for lungs对肺有好处 对你未来有好处 your future ;Main Ideas; Detailed Understanding Answer the following questions.;1.Teenagers can jog and so, with caution, in their and eighties. A. can people, seventy B. people can, seventies C. can people, seventies D. people can, seventy 2.In addition to able to jog anywhere. A. be B. being C. / D. can 3. You need to be basically healthy. A. are B. is C. do D. doing; Jogging is running at a steady speed over short or longer distances. It has remained popular for about thirty years. It is popular because it has a dvantages over many other sports and it is easy and convenient for keeping fit. Jogging can be enjoyed by males and femailes of any age. People can jog anywhere. For example, they can jog around college campuses, in the countryside, or even in urban areas. People can jog at any time, in any season. As jogging is a solo sport, one can do jogging alone or with his friends. No special equipment is required for jogging. You jus


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