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Unit Seven Text A Can You Speak Technology in a Wired World? Main Ideas Fill in the blanks with appropriate words or expressions according to the above reading passage. A large number of “tech-speak” words from the world of _________ have passed into the English language. For ________, the word “bug” means an error in a computer ________. It got this meaning from an ________ which had become _______ in an early computer which ________ the machine from working properly. With personal computing now __________, more and more such language has been _________ , such as “surf”, “hacker”, “virus’, and “emotion’. As communications companies bring more technology _______ our daily lives, the language of ___________ has become an important part of real life. Detailed Understanding Answer the following questions according to the text. 1. How big was the early computer? _______________________________________________. 2. In what way does “surf the Internet” have to do with California? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________. 3.What will viruses probably do to computer? _______________________________________________. Unit Seven Text B The Web Lifestyle Main Ideas Fill in the blanks with appropriate words or expressions according to the above reading passage. Nowadays people still depend on telephone and television for communication and entertainment. But soon it will be ______ for people to turn to the Internet ____shopping, education, entertainment and communication. The ___________ of technological development is so fast _____ more and more people will make the Web _____of their everyday lives. Even today, people can find on the Web interesting ___________ on almost all ________. That is why Americans, ___________ young ones, will spend less time in ______ of a television screen, ______on the web. Detailed Understanding Complete the following chart and fill


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