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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 备考雅思口语:从常见的口语话题开始 在雅思考试中,口语恐怕是最令中国学生头疼的了。本来就缺乏自 信,说话底气不足,被考官突然提出一个陌生话题,简直丈二和尚摸不 着头脑,慌忙组织语言,要么吞吞吐吐,要么支离破碎,尽管还没有考 试结束,却已经被考官从心里判成低分了。常言道,有备无患,因此提 前了解常见的口语话题,并细心做足应答准备是极为必要的。 1. Sound What natural sound do you like the most? (Why?) What sounds do you dislike? (Why?) Does your school have any quiet places for studying? What are some places where there is a lot of noise? Do you mind noises? 2. Leisure Time When do you have free time? How do you like to relax? What do you do on weekends? Do you think modern people have enough time for relaxing? What can people do to find more time for relaxing? Do you think its important to spend your leisure time with your family? 3. Cars Do you like cars? Do you have a drivers license? Do you (or your family) have a car? Do you often drive it? If you wanted to buy a car, what kind of car would you choose? What kinds of cars are popular in your country? Do you like traveling by car? 4. Train Do you like travelling by train? How often do you travel by train? Is travelling by train very popular in China? Do you prefer travelling by train or travelling by air? 5. Time Do you usually wear a watch? Do you think time is very important? How do you feel when you are late? Do you think its important to be on time? When does time seem to move fast and when does it seem to move slowly? 6. Shopping Do you like shopping? Is there anything you dont like about shopping? Do you prefer shopping alone or with others? What type of shop do you prefer to go to? Do you like shopping for clothes or other goods on the internet? What are some differences between men and women and shopping? 7. Rain Does it rain much in your hometown? Do you like rainy days? What d


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