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辽宁中医杂志 2009年第 36卷第 1期 # 45#
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( 中国中医科学院中医基础理论研究所, 北京 100700)
: 中医的/ 火0是在对物质之火的直观观察和认识基础上, 通过取象形成的意象性概念, / 火0字是这 概念的符
号由于意象性概念不是对事物本质的抽象, 而是取象的结果, 因此中医学/ 火0 的内涵十分丰富中医学/ 火0的理论是
随着/ 火0涵义的演变与发展逐渐创立丰富起来的从其源流来看, / 火0的理论在不同的历史时期, 具有不同的学术发展
特点和各具特色的学说历代医家对历史经验和现实经验的理性升华, 使中医/ 火0的理论得以不断地创新发展论文旨
在通过考证/ 火0 涵义的演变与发展, 理清其传承创新的脉络, 并初步分析探讨中医学/ 火0之理论发展背景和方法
: 火; 源流; 五行; 时代背景
: R226 : A : 1000- 1719( 2009) 01- 0045- 04
Theoretical T race of F ire in T rad itional Ch inese M ed icine
LIH ai-yu, PAN Gu i-juan
(Basic Theory Institute of Trad itional ChineseM edicine, ChinaA cademy of ChineseM ed ical ciences, B eij ing 100700, China)
A bstrac t: Fire in traditional Ch inese med icine is an mi a o concept based on observation and reco n ition of natural fire. Fire
is a sym bol of the concept. S ince the mi a o concept is not the abstract from its essence, fire in traditional Chinese m edicine has
amp le connotation. The theory of fire in trad itional Ch inese m ed icine form s and becomes rich radually as its connotation deve-l
ops. The theory of fire has d ifferent academ ic feature and idiom atical doctrines in different historical periods. H istorical doctors
brin new ideas to the fire theory by rational d istillation of h istorical experience and practical experience. This article does re-
search on evolution and developm ent of fire connotation, clarifies the context of its transm iss ion innovation, prelmi inarily analyses
development back round and m ethods of the fire theory.
K ey w ord s: Fire; Ori in and developm en t; F ive phases; Back round of the tmi es
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