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2010 9 现 代 情 报 Sep, 2010 30 9 J urnal f M dern Inf rmati n V l30! N 9 1 2 秦亚欧 ! 史秋雨 ( 1. 长春师范学院图书馆, 吉林 长春 130032; 2. 吉林动画学院图书馆, 吉林 长春 130012) ∀! # 博客作为一种具有 个性化交互性开放性等众多特点的信息传播工具, 为人们进行更 捷的信息交流提供了 一个新的平台, 受到图书馆学界的青睐本文通过对图林博客的概念结构功能以及国内多 个图书馆人的博客内容进行比较研 究, 结合综合性博客专门性博客和潜水者博客评论这3 种博文类型, 分析了图林博客中图书馆学学术信息非正式传播的内容 丰富, 语言平民化 个性化, 传播不受时空限制, 意见领袖影响传播等鲜明特点, 进而论证了其对图书馆学学术信息非正式传 播的作用 ∀# 图林博客; 图书馆学学术信息; 非正式传播 DOI: 10. 3969/ j. issn. 1008- 0821. 2010. 09. 006 ∀# G250! ∀# A! ∀# 1008- 0821 ( 2010) 09- 0023- 05 An Analysis of Library Blog in our Country from the Perspective of Informal Transmission of Library Academic Information 1 2 Qin Ya u ! Shi Qiuyu ( 1. Library, Changchun N rmal University, Changchun 130032, China; 2. Library, Jilin Cart n Institute, Changchun 130012, China) ∀Abstract#The bl g as a pers nalized, interactive and pening inf rmati n transmissi n t l, pr vides pe ple a platf rm f c nvenient c mmunicate inf rmati n, and is fav red by the academic circles f libraries. Thr ugh c mparing the c ntents f differ ent libraries in ur c untry, this article evaluated three kinds f bl gs: integrated bl g, specialized bl g and diversbl g c m ments, analyzing the features f inf rmal transmissi n f the library academic inf rmati n in library bl g: rich c ntent, simple language, individualizati n, time- and- space- limitati n- free transmissi n and pini n leader influencing transmissi n; and further expl red the influence f library b


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