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2 8 11 V o l. 28, N o. 11
200 8 11 ACTA ECOLOG ICA SIN ICA N ov. , 2008
1, 2 1 1 1
张 彪 , 李文华, 谢高地 , 肖 玉
( 1. , 10010 1; 2. , 100039 )
: 6, ,
9 3
: 2004 1. 26 10 m ;
, ( 63. 3% ) ; ,
( 80. 8% ) ; ,
100m100 ~ 500m 500 ~ 800m 29% 30. 7% 23. 3% ;
, , 37. 12% 40. 7%
: ; ;
: ( 2008) 1156 1906 : Q 143 : A
Characteristics of water conservation of forest ecosystem in Beijing
1, 2 1 1 1
ZHANG B ao , L IW enH ua , X IE GaoD , X IAO Y u
1 In stitu te of Geog rap h ica l S ciences and N a tural R esources R esearch, Ch inese A cad em y of S cien ces, B eji ing 100 10 1, Ch ina
2 G raduate S chool of Ch ineseA cademy of Sc iences, B eij ing 100039, Ch ina
A cta E co log ica S in ica, 200 , 2 ( 11) : 561 ~ 5624.
Abstract: Based on the data of Category of the s xth forest nventory n Be j ng( 2004 ), the w ater conservat on of the
forest ecosystem w as estm ated by mean s of the reg onal w ater balance method as w ell as on the so lw ater storage ab l ty.
T he character st cs of w ater con servat on of d fferent forest typ es n d fferent locat onsw ere analyzed. The resu lt show ed that
9 3
a volum e o f 1. 26 10 m w ater w as conserved n the forest ecosystem. H ua rou D str ct, Y anq ng County, M yun County,
M entougou D str ct and Fangshan D str ct w ere th e m a n contr bu tors of w ater conservat on, and the
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