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第一单元 1、这种事情因人而异。 This sort of thing varies from person to person. 2、对管理者来说,每次决策都受到政策、程序、法律惯例等因素的制约 For managers, every decision has constraints based on policies, procedures, laws, precedents, and the like. 3、我们想知道是谁把人定义为理性动物的 We wonder who defined man as a rational animal. 4、从系统的观点看,问题的产生有很多种原因,决策既有预期的结果,也有意料之外的结果 From a system’s point of view, problems have multiple causes and decisions have intended and unintended consequences. 5他们充分利用了旅馆的设备 They took full advantage of the hotel’s facilities. Decisions are not made a vacuum. They are made within a framework of values, goals, standards, resources, and priorities. Values give meaning to your decisions. Goals give them direction. Standards offer you a basis for comparison and a guide for adjusting values and goals. Resources make it possible to reach goals. Priorities enable you to rank values, goals, standards, and resources in their order of importance to you, Together they form your framework for decision making. 决策不是凭空做出的,它有一定的框架,其中包括价值观、目标、标准、资源和选择的优先次序。 价值观赋予决策以意义,目标决定决策的方向。标准是比较决策优劣的依据,对调整价值观和目标起导向作用。资源使目标实现现成为可能。优先次序使价值观、目标、标准和资源能按其重要性进行排序。所有这些因素综合起来形成决策的框架。 第二单元 1、也许有另外一个巨大的黑洞正告诉吞噬着其他星球。 Maybe another huge black hole is swallowing up stars at very rapid speed. 2、直到最近天文学家才开始对黑洞进行研究。 It is only recently that astronomers have begun research into black holes. 3、有一天也许人类会遭此命运。 Mankind may one day meet this fate. 4、由十个人组成的委员将于八点抵达机场。 The committee consisting of 10 members will arrive at the airport at 8 o’clock. 5、我们越是了解异域人民,就越能理解他们的思想。 The more we learn about other people, the better we understand their ideas. There is a clear distinction between one who is supposed to know and another, usually a younger person who is supposed not to know. However, teaching is not necessarily the area of a special group of people, nor should it be looked upon as a technical skill. Teaching can be more like guiding and assisting than forcing information into a blank


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