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美团销售总结 篇一:毕业论文 美团网的营销探究 摘要 随着美国的Groupon团购网的疯狂崛起,并造成了“史上最疯狂的互联网公司”的传奇,全世界都掀起了模仿它的狂潮。美团网于2010年3月4号上线运营,是国内第三家团购网站。它的上线,迅速引爆了团购行业在国内的发展,在短短的一年之内,中国的团购网站的数量达到了两千家之多,并且每天都有新的团购网站出现。 本论文首先介绍网络团购行业及美团网的现状、分析行业的发展环境,然后运用服务营销和网络营销的相关理论分析和探讨美团网的营销策略,最后总结了美团网的成功之处,给美团网提出改进性建议。 关键词:团购;美团网;服务营销;营销策略 Abstract With the crazy development of Group purchase network “Groupon”in the USA,a legend of “the most insane internet company in the history” is created. The prevalence of the Group purchase mode imitating Groupon company is raised. U.S. Mission Network which was on-line on March 4, 2010 is now china抯 third Group purchase station. Its on-line ignites the development of Group purchase industry rapidly. Only in one year, approximately two thousand in china. And many Chinese Group purchase stations have been founded every day. Firstly, this paper will introduce the current situation of the industry of Group purchase and U.S. Mission Network, and then have an analysis about the development environment of the Group purchase industry. Secondly, this paper uses the theory of service marketing and network marketing to have an analysis and discuss the marketing strategy of the U.S. Mission Network. At last, summarizes the success of the U.S. Mission Network, and give improvement recommendations to the U.S. Mission Network. Keywords: Group purchase;U.S. Mission Network;Services Marketing;marketing strategy 目录 第一章 绪论 .......................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景 ........................................................ 1 1.2 研究的目的,意义 ............................................... 6 1.3 研究方法及思路 .............................................. 6 1.4 本次论文内容及结构安排 ...................................... 7 第二章 行业现状及美团网概况 ................................................................... 9 2.1网络团购行业的基本现状及发展前景 .............................. 9 2.1.1网络团购定义及基本概况 ..................................... 9 2.1.2网络团购的发展现状及其存在的问题 .......................... 9



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