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复习提纲 大纲要求 各章重点及主要内容 大纲要求 第二章  离散时间信号和系统 的时域分析 1.离散信号与系统的时域表达式 2 系统方程描述 3 LTI系统的性质 4 卷积和运算 历年考题 A discrete time system’s input-output relationship is: , it is_______ (time-variant or time-invariant). A discrete time system’s input-output relationship is: , it is______ (causal or non-causal). The impulse response of the LTI system in the following figure is_________________。 历年考题 A sequence x[n] is known as below: where (1) Sketch the real part of x[n]. (2) If A=1, is it periodic? If it is, give its period. 第三章离散时间傅立叶变换 1、 DTFT计算,性质 2 频率响应 3.其他概念 功率谱密度 P141 带限的离散时间信号 P143 Unwrapped Phase Function P145 滤波的概念 P154 相位延迟和群延迟 P156 历年考题 1. A system transfer function is as follow: H(z)= (1)?? Is it an FIR or IIR system? (2)?? Determine the value of | |. (3) What type filter is it: lowpass, highpass, bandpass, or bandstop? (4)Determine the phase function and group delay τg . 历年考题 (1) Known , its DTFT is wanted. (2) Known , its IDTFT is wanted. (3)Let denotes the DTFT of sequence y[n]. Determine the inverse DTFT of . 历年考题 Let . Determine the DTFT of the following sequences in terms of : a.?????? b.?????? c. 历年考题 An FIR discrete-time system is characterized by the following difference equation: a) Give the block diagram of the system with the LEAST number of multipliers. b) Give the system’s phase response and determine whether it is linear. c) Give the group delay of the system. 第四章 连续信号的数字处理 第五章 离散傅立叶变换 DFT的定义,时域频域对应关系 DFT与DTFT的关系 DFT的性质 DFT的工程计算方法: (1)实数序列的DFT计算 (2)FFT算法思想 (3)利用DFT计算卷积 1. DFT计算,性质 2. 快速傅氏变换(FFT补充) FFT基本思想 运用FFT基本技巧 3 几种变换的相互关系 历年考题 Let X[k] denotes the N-point DFT of a length-N complex sequence x[n]=x1[n]+jx2[n], where x1[n] and x2[n] are the real and imagin



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