金版新学案13-14英语(人教版)选修6课件:Unit 3 第2学时.ppt

金版新学案13-14英语(人教版)选修6课件:Unit 3 第2学时.ppt

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金版新学案13-14英语(人教版)选修6课件:Unit 3 第2学时

一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.The doctor warned not to drink ________ (alcohol) drinks. 2.Though he was a new-men,he got ________(accustom) to the way of life here very soon. 3.The doors opened ________ (automatic) as we approached. 4.People can easily become ________ (mental) addicted to drugs when they start taking them. 5.Some ________ have got into the habit of taking drugs.(adolescent) 6.What he has done ________ her a lot.(disappoint) 7.A ________ is going to be invited to give us a talk about the ________ industry.(chemisty) 1.alcoholic 2.accustomed 3.automatically 4.mentally 5.adolescents 6.disappoints/has disappointed 7.chemist chemical 二、词语活用 1.用与addict相关的词语完成下列小段落。 His father (1)________(沉溺于) gambling and his mother (2) ____________(也开始对看韩剧着迷).How can such a family raise a useful person to society? (1)is addicted to (2)becomes addicted to Korean TV series 2.用shame, shameful, shameless, ashamed自编一个小段落。 答案:What a shame it was for her to cheat so many gentlemen,showing her extraordinary beautiful appearance.We all agreed that what the shameless woman did was shameful and she should feel ashamed of her shameless conduct.However,any man with common sense could see through her trick.Then why were these gentlemen cheated? Wasnt it a shame that so many gentlemen should have lost their common sense? 三、动词专练 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1.I ________(just learn) that youre going to set up a new company. 2.It seems ________(amaze) that my mother is able to climb to the top of the mountain in her late eighties. 3.Im sorry to hear that you ________(begin) smoking some time ago. 4.If you get ________(accustom) to nicotine, you may feel uneasy without it. 5.I had to admit that the problem was difficult ____(solve). 1.have just learned 2.amazing 3.began 4.accustomed 5.to solve 6.When my girl friend said my clothes smelt, I knew it was time I ________(quit) smoking. 7.The baby was crying loudly while ________(inject). 8.Ill go out for a walk while he feels like ______(play) football. 9.She _______


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