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2016年厦门大学翻译硕士考研真题 真题是考研复习中含金量最高的辅导材料,真题的利用对于提高复习效率具有至关重要的作用。一般来说,时间和精力有限,建议考生重点做近十年的真题。凯程整理各高校历年考研真题,希望能帮大家更好的复习!   2016年厦门大学翻译硕士考研真题(回忆版)   百科:   一、选择   1、东罗马帝国首都   2、色即是空,空即是色出自哪部佛经   3、轴心时代   4、第一次人类环球航行是谁   5、最古老的文字   6、汉字的六书   7、奠定欧洲文明的文明是什么   8、四书五经   9、三权分立指的是什么   10、西方音乐史上都有哪些音乐流派   二、应用文   电力公司修电路踩坏农民朋友菜地,农民朋友没有责怪,还给予很多帮组,写一份感谢信。   三、命题作文   互联网时代,手写信息逐渐变少,谈谈你的看法   翻译硕士英语:   一、英译汉单词句子翻译,好多都是选自英汉翻译教程》(厦门大学杨士焯,所以,参考书一定要看。15分   1. The houses were built of dry stone with stone slabs for furniture, all very well preserved. 房子是由无浆砌成的石墙建成,以石板为家居,一切保存完好。   2. Other media closer to the scene dismissed Carter as a poor loser. 对此事了解的其他媒体认为,卡特是以个输不起的人/输了就发脾气的人。   3. He is always politically incorrect. 他讲话总是不合时宜。   4. That was not a very happy remark. 那不是很恰当的话。   5. Enjoy the luxury of doing good. 以行善为乐。   6. A. His speech was reported at length in the newspaper. 他的演讲在报纸上详细的刊登出来了。   7. I remembered mailing the letter.我记得寄了信。   8. She has an eye for antique furniture. 她对古代家具具有审美眼光。   二、汉译英 15分   1. 改革就是最大红利。   2. 简政放权,政府职能转型。   3. 打造中国经济升级版。   4.创新宏观调控方式。   5.扩大全方位开放。   6.长江后浪推前浪,一代更比一代强。   7.苟日新,日日新,又日新。   8. 小康不小康,关键看老乡。   9.多难兴邦。   三、段落翻译。120分  英译汉:   A30分   公司与老员工的关系。American companies maybe pioneers in coping with one of the biggest challenges   B30分   教育与文明传承的问题。If education is the transmission of civilization,we are unquestionably progressing.Civilization is inherited; it has to be learned and earned by each generation anew; if the transmission should be interrupted for one century,civilization would die,and we should be savages again.So our finest modern achievement is our spending of wealth and toil which never have been known before in the provision of higher education for all.Once colleges were luxuries,designed for the male half of the leisured class; today universities are so numerous that he who runs may become a Ph.D.We may not have been better than the selected geniuses of the past,but we have raised the level and average of knowledge beyond any age in his


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