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2017考研英语阅读理解题材解析之伊比利亚的黎明   在考研英语中,阅读分数可谓是占到了总分的半壁江山,正所谓“得阅读者得考研”。对于备考考研的同学们,在平时的复习中一定要拓展阅读思路,各类话题都要关注,这样才能在整体上提升考研英语阅读水平!一起来学习吧!   Spains economy   西班牙经济   Iberian dawn   伊比利亚的黎明   The labour market is recovering at last. But it needsfurther reform   劳动市场最终还是复苏了,但是其需要进一步的改革。   THIS was the news the government had been waitingfor. “Spains labour market has made a 180-degree turn,” crowed the prime minister, MarianoRajoy, as the country announced the first annual rise in employment in six years. Thenumbers show that unpopular reforms to the malfunctioning labour market are starting towork. But there is plenty left to do.   这是政府翘首以待的消息。“西班牙的劳动力市场已经发生了180度的大转弯”,当西班牙政府宣布这是六年来西班牙首次就业增长时,西班牙总理马里亚诺·拉霍伊对此洋洋自得。这些数字表明那些不受失灵劳动力市场待见的改革也已经初见成效,但仍有许多东西亟待解决。   In the past year Spain has created 190,000 jobs. The unemployment rate, still one of thehighest in the euro zone, fell from 26% to 24.5% (see chart), and the labour force stoppedshrinking after six straight quarters of decline.   在过去的一年中西班牙国内增加了19万个就业岗位。在欧元区位列前茅的失业率从之前的26%下降到24.5%,在连续六个季度的下降之后,劳动力也停止了萎缩。   The labour reform in 2012 gave companies more flexibility to set wages and workingconditions themselves rather than through sector-wide bargaining, and cut severancepayments for unfair dismissals. Those changes, buttressed by a deal between unions andemployers, tempered wage growth that had far outstripped gains in productivity. How muchcredit do they deserve for the upturn in employment?   2012年的劳动改革给企业带来了更多的灵活性以确保工资和工作条件自身的稳定而不是通过全部门的谈判并削减对不公平解雇所分发的遣散费。这些变化是基于工会与雇主之间的交易,这种收入增长的调节大大领先于生产率的加强。但是就业情况的好转会为他们带来多少信用呢?   The answer may determine the political fate of Mr Rajoy, who defied street protests to pushreform through and faces a general election by the end of next year. The opposition SocialistParty claims that the number of unemployed has risen by more than 600,000 since Mr Rajoytook office in 2011, despite the reforms. Pedro Sanchez, the partys new secretary-general,promises to repeal them if it regains power.   这个答案或许


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