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University of International Business and Economics Press 《实用商务英语翻译》 University of International Business and Economics Press LOGO Contents 参考答案 3. 第二节 翻译技巧——语篇的衔接与语翻译(二) 2. 第一节 文章阅读与翻译 1. LOGO 1 2 第一节 文章阅读与翻译 Passage 1 Balance of Payments Deficits and Surpluses Passage 2 New York Stock Exchange Passage 3 Federal Red Ink 3 University of International Business and Economics Press LOGO Passage 1 Balance of Payments Deficits and Surpluses Notes 1.Balance of Payment (BOP): Set of accounts that record a country’s international transactions, and which (because double entry bookkeeping is used) always balance out with no surplus or deficit shown on the overall basis. A surplus or deficit, however, can be shown in any of its three component accounts: (1) Current account, covers export and import of goods and services, (2) Capital account, covers investment inflows and outflows, and (3) Gold account, covers gold inflows and outflows. BOP accounting serves to highlight a country’s competitive strengths and weaknesses, and helps in achieving balanced economic growth.国际收支 2.译文:国际收支顺差是指官方正减少对外国中央权力机构的流动负债或者是正增加黄金或外汇的官方储备量。 3.译文:国际收支逆差是指官方正增加对外国中央权力机关的流动负债或者是正减少官方储备。 4.译文:例如,一家美国公司在国外的投资到将来会给美国投资商带来利润,但现在只能算作借项,并增加国际收支逆差额,然而,这笔贷款未必有什么不好。 5.译文:长远地看,当国际收支在经常项目与资本项目上失去平衡时,无论顺差还是逆差,都得采取些相应的措施来调整。 University of International Business and Economics Press LOGO Passage 1 Balance of Payments Deficits and Surpluses Words and Expressions 1. liquid adj. in the form of money, rather than investments or property, or able to be changed into money easily 流动的 2. liability n. accounts and wages payable, accrued rent and taxes, trade debt, and short and long-term loans.负债 3. aggregate n. something formed by adding together several amounts or things; a total 4. yield v. to supply or produce something positive such as a profit, an amount of food or information 5. transfer n. when something or someone moves or is moved from one place, position, etc. to another 转移 6. draw down to reduce


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