Dislocation Reduction in GaN on Sapphire by Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth.pdf

Dislocation Reduction in GaN on Sapphire by Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth.pdf

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Dislocation Reduction in GaN on Sapphire by Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth

第 27 卷  第 3 期 半  导  体  学  报 Vol . 27  No . 3 2006 年 3 月 C H IN ES E J O U RN AL O F S EM I CON D U C TO RS Mar . ,2006 Dislocation Reduction in Ga N on Sapphire by Epitaxial Lateral Overgrowth Chen J un , Wang J ianf en g , Wan g Hui , Zhao Degang , Zhu J ianj un , Zhang Shuming , and Yang Hui ( ) I ns t it ute of S em icon d uct ors , Chi nese A ca demy of S ciences , B eij i ng  100083 , Chi na Abstract : High qualit y GaN is gr ow n on GaN subst r at e wit h st rip e p at t er n by m et al or ga nic ch e mical vap or dep osi t i on by m e ans of ep it axial lat er al over gr ow t h . A FM ,w et c h emical et c hi ng , a n d T EM exp eri m e nts sh ow t h at wit h a t w ost ep EL O G p r oce dur e ,t h e p r op agat i on of def ects un der t h e m ask is bl oc ke d , a n d t h e c oh er ent ly gr ow n GaN ab ove t h e win dow als o exp erie nces a dr ast ic r e duct i on in def ect de nsit y . I n a ddit i on , a gr ain b oun dar y is f or m e d at t h e c oalescence b oun dar y of neigh b orin g gr ow t h f r onts . Th e ext r e m ely l ow de nsit y of t h r e a din g disl ocat i ons w it hin w ing r egi ons m a k es EL O G GaN a p ot e nt ial t emp lat e f or t h e f ab ricat i on


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