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44 10 上 海 交 通 大 学 学 报 V ol. 44 N o. 10 20 10 10 J OU RN AL O F SH AN GH A I J IA OT O N G U N IV ERSIT Y O ct . 20 10 : 100624 67( 2010 135 1 胡江峰, 欧阳华, 竺晓程, 杜朝辉 ( , 200240 : 基于二维流线曲率法数学模型, 考公开发表的研究成果, 拓展了一种适应于跨声速压气 机的损失和落后角模型, 并考虑3D 和雷诺数的修正, 对轴流跨音速压气机转子NA SA Rot or37 进 行了数值计算, 得到了设计点与非设计点的特性曲线, 并与实验数据进行了对比和分析. 结果表明, 该方法能较好地预测轴流压气机特性和 数分布, 可为压气机的设计和优化提供 考. : 跨音速压气机; 流线曲率法; 损失和落后角模型; 非设计点 : T K 472 : A Performance Predict ion of Transonic Axial Compressor at Offdesign Points H U J iangf eng , O U YA N GH ua , ZH UX iaocheng , D UZhaohui ( Scho ol of M echanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiaot ong Universit y, Shanghai 200240, China Abstract: T he im pro ved loss and deviat ion models f or t ransonic co mpresso r w ere developed based on 2D st ream line curvat ure method according t o publ ic research findings . Consider ing 3D and Rey no lds ef fect s, the int ernal f low f ield o f t ransonic compressor rot orNA SA ro t or 37 w as calculat ed, t hus o bt aining the charact er ist ic curve o f design and offdesign points . T he com parison of sim ulat ion and experiment v alue show s t hat t his m et hod can predict t he perf ormance and dist ribut ion of paramet er w it h hig her accuracy fo r ax ial compressor, and can be u sed fo r o pt imizat io n and desig n of compressor . Key words: tr anso nic com pressor; st ream line curv at ure method ; loss and dev iat ion models; o ffdesign point s CF D , , , . , [ 1] , . , ,


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