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10 ROSES FOR YOU If you receive this … 10 wishes for you in 2005 One rose for friendship A second one for love One for happiness One for success One for knowledge One for beauty One for family One for honesty And the last one for a long and healthy life! The original message says that: You should not keep this message to yourself alone… If you send it to 2 persons, your wish will be granted within the year Send it to 5 persons … And your wishes will come true … … within 3 months… To 15 and more … your dream will come true ... … tomorrow already Now I am not superstitious at all, but I do believe … That it alway feels nice to be send flowers so … Send these flowers to all persons you care about… Thanks ! * 送你十朵玫瑰… It’s because you’re a special person 因為你對我而言,是很特別的一位朋友, 2008送你十朵玫瑰,代表我給你的十個祝福 第一朵玫瑰為友情而開 第二朵,為愛情散發光彩 One for financial wealth 第三朵祝福你今年將得到充裕的財富 第四朵一如你燦爛的笑容,充滿生氣 第五朵,預祝你事事順利成功 第六朵,為你的所學所知盛開 第七朵如你外表般討人喜愛 第八朵,在你溫暖的家庭中綻放 第九朵讚揚著你待人真誠的行為 最後一朵,祝你有美好長久的人生 作者在原文中表明了: Send it on … 你不該將這些祝福留在你的信箱中,請將它傳出去 若你傳給兩個人,你的願望將在今年內實現 傳給三個人,願望將在三個月內成真 十五個以上,夢想將在你明天初醒時來臨 雖然我不迷信,但我相信… 送花兒給人的感覺很棒,所以… 將這些花送給你在乎的那些人們吧 *


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