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十堰恒信奥龙汽车销售服务有限公司的售后服务管理研究 摘要 中国汽车工业协会去年发布全国汽车产销的相关数据,自2012年销量首次突破1900万辆之后,2013年销量再创新高,达到2198万辆。结合宏观经济发展的趋势,根据中国汽车工业学会的预测,我国汽车需求量大约为2380万辆至2420万辆左右,产销量约为2300多万辆至2400多万辆,增长率分别为8%至10%。汽车销量的巨大提升意味汽车使用量的大幅度提升,作为一个约30000个零部件构成的汽车产品,在其大约10年左右的使用过程中,优质的售后服务是其必不可缺的产品的一部分,也是树立良好的汽车品牌形象,使企业更好的参与竞争的一个有力武器。 然而尽管任意一个汽车品牌的4S店都有自己配套的售后服务体系,其内容及流程区别也不大。但由服务产品本身的无形性、异质性、合不便于储存性等特征导致不同品牌的4S店售后服务管理水平也是不同的,因此对汽车品牌价值的提升以及4S店本身的效益也有非常大的影响。 本文以十堰恒信奥龙汽车销售服务有限公司(简称“恒信奥龙汽车”)的售后服务管理为研究对象,结合十堰恒信奥龙汽车销售服务有限公司在售后服务管理中管理流程及客户满意度管理等重要环节的分析,探索售后服务各环节存在的问题,然后针对问题提出了建立标准化服务流程、强化服务理念、完善组织结构的售后服务管理对策。 关键词:恒信奥龙;奥迪汽车;售后服务;服务质量; Abstract The China association of automobile manufacturers released last year China auto production and sales of related data, sales for the first time since 2012, after 19 million, sales hit a new high in 2013, 21.98 million vehicles a year. Combination of macro economic development trend, according to the China automobile industry association predicts that demand of about 23.8 million cars in our country from around 24.2 million, valspar is about more than 2300 to more than 2400, the growth rate of between 8% and 10% respectively. Car sales huge ascension means significantly enhance automobile usage, consisting of about 30000 parts as a car products, in the process of the use of about 10 years, high-quality after-sales service is the essential part of the product, is also set up a good brand image, make the enterprise better participate in the competition of a powerful weapon. Yet despite any car brand 4 s shops have their own form a complete set of after-sales service system, the content and process difference are slim. But the invisibility of service product itself, heterogeneity, and is not convenient to store characteristics lead to different brand of 4 s inn after-sales service management level are also different, therefore, and to the promotion of brand value the benefit of the 4 s shop itself also has very big effect. In shiyan HengXin oron automobile sales and


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