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QUESTIONS ANSWERS CONCERNING THE PREVIOUS LECTURE 本周讲课内容 2-5 国际货物买卖实务磋商的一般程序 2-5.1交易磋商的形式 2-5.2 交易磋商的程序- 询盘、发盘、还盘和接受的表达方式 及其法律性质的认定 2-6 国际货物买卖合同实务条款 2-6.0 出口交易磋商合同内容概要 2-6.1 品质条款 凭样品买卖p93 数量条款和包装条款 2-6.2 价格条款 国际贸易术语解释通则 p80 2-6.3 运输条款 2-5 国际货物买卖实务 磋商的一般程序 2-5.1 (出口)交易磋商的形式 A. the legal significance of forms for negotiation -It relates to the form of offer and acceptance -It relates to the form of contract -It relates the evidence which supports the existence of contract B. The communicative forms of business negotiation Oral form - conducted at Guangzhou fair -through telephone Written form - usual form ( letter \telex\ fax \ telegram\ email) Act - applicable if there is a previous deal practiced by both parties 2-5.2.交易谈判一般程序 及其法律性质认定 询盘 – inquiry (invitation to offer) 发盘 - the offer 还盘 - the counter offer (rejection) 接受要约- the acceptance 2-5.2.1 询盘 – inquiry A. The expressions in inquiry - Please advise(quote、offer) your products - We are interested in your product. - Would you please make an offer with us for XX ? - We wish you would make an offer with us for XX. - Would you like to make an offer with us for XX? - Are you interested in our product ? B. the Legal nature of the inquiry - ITT, basically because they either lack of legal intention or of definiteness or some other reasons . C. discuss - why are those statements defined as inquiry ? - can you define a statement as inquiry? - where are the legal distinctions between inquiry and offer ? D. 询盘的商业表现形式及其要约性的嬗变 -信件、email等文字措辞上; - 报价单、 价目表 - 商品陈列 即便附有价格 (街上商店、广交会 华交会等交易会) - 招标通知、拍卖师报价 - 邮寄宣传品(pamphlet ,brochure) - 一般商业广告(电视 、广播、招牌等) 询盘的公众受众面越广,在社会责任的推动下,其商业诚信度就越高,要约性即法律性就越强,反之就越低。可见,询盘的定性是会随着社会的商业度的提高而变化的。如:smoke ball case 2-5.2.2 发盘 - the offer A. 要约的构成条件和发盘 要约的构成条件(见书p57) 内容必须十分确定 Sufficiently definite (CISG Art 14) B. The e


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