Author's Response to Dr. Leo 英文参考文献.docVIP

Author's Response to Dr. Leo 英文参考文献.doc

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Author's Response to Dr. Leo 英文参考文献

Correspondence Differences in Mitotic Activity May Explain Observed Differences in HIF-1α Response in Cancers and Stroma The vast majority (54 patients, 87.1% of the untreated) were referred to the hospital because of mild isolated thrombocytopenia discovered on routine laboratory examination. These patients were asymptomatic and considered apparently healthy. In eight other cases (12.9%), however, a single, moderate, and spontaneously regressive bleeding episode occurred: purpura (n = 4), epistaxis (n = 1), gingivorrhagia after tooth extractions (n = 1), and meno- and metrorrhagia (n = 2) in two women with an intrauterine device and uterine polyps, respectively. The Khush Mittal I read the paper by Chi et al. with interest. The authors found a greater hypoxia response gene expression in carcinomas than stromal cells grown in vitro, but were not sure of the underlying explanation (see Discussion in [1]). The underlying explanation may be the difference in mitotic activity and hence metabolic activity between these two cell types, such that hypoxia may be present within cancer cells, although the surrounding culture media may have similar oxygen levels as the stromal cultures. The differences in mitotic activity could also explain greater hypoxia-related gene expression in clear-cell carcinoma compared with chromophobe carcinoma, normal tissue, or oncocytoma, as clear-cell carcinomas are more active mitotically. Did the authors compare the hypoxia gene expression with mitotic activity in various tumors?  mean platelet count among these patients was 62 × 10 /l, 9 compared with 88 × 10 /l for the entire untreated group. 9 Antinuclear antibodies were tested in 46 cases (74.2%), with signi?cantly positive values in six patients (13% of the tested individuals). During the follow-up period of 1.9 to 59 months, no further bleeding occurred in the eight patients with initial moderate hemorrhage, although six of them remained thrombocytopenic for more than six months. None



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