
Global Health Estimates Stronger Collaboration Needed with Low- and Middle-Income Countries 英文参考文献.docVIP

Global Health Estimates Stronger Collaboration Needed with Low- and Middle-Income Countries 英文参考文献.doc

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Global Health Estimates Stronger Collaboration Needed with Low- and Middle-Income Countries 英文参考文献

Essay GlobalHealthEstimates:StrongerCollaborationNeeded withLow-andMiddle-IncomeCountries OsmanSankoh* INDEPTHNetwork,Accra,Ghana This article is part of a cluster of five articlesonglobalhealthestimates. death statistics. HDSSs enumerate and longitudinally follow up populations in geographically well-defined areas to re- cord demographic and health changes that occur over time. More specifically, INDEPTH Network in monitoring the Development UN Millennium [MDGs]. Goals Traditionally the United Nations (UN) and its specialised agencies (including the World Health Organization [WHO], the United Nations Children’s Fund [UNI- CEF], and the United Nations Statistics Division), as well as the World Bank and the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention, have generated estimates of health indicators. For many countries, especially low- and middle- income countries (LMICs) where civil registration systems are not effective for variousreasons,theseestimateshavebeen the only credible outputs available to policy-makers and planners—yet signifi- cantquestionsremainastotheauthentic- ityoftheirunderlyingdatasources[1]. RecentcontroversiesaboutwhetherUN agencies or academics should make such estimates, and how they should be pub- lished, are timely and important [2,3]. Unfortunately, however, southern-based health organisations are conspicuous for theirabsenceinthesescenarios.Whoever compilesestimates,allinstitutionsinvolved should strengthen collaboration with re- searchers, policy-makers, and organiza- tionsatthegrass-rootslevelinLMICs. One southern organisation trying to make a difference in this respect is the INDEPTHNetwork(http://www.indepth- ), an umbrella for currently morethan40discrete population surveil- lance centres in LMICs in Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Such sources have the potential to complement and strengthen both the data from traditional providers to the UN system and the publicly available data that are used by others. Here, in additi



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