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Haeckel‘s theory: Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny (1874) the fetal development of an individual (ontogeny) is a speeded-up replay of millions of years of species evolution (phylogeny) Evo Devo Evolutionary development is so new there isn’t even consensus as to how to spell it. We spell it “evo devo” because that’s how Sean Carroll spells it. Others spell it “evo-devo” and “evodevo.” variety of eye types closely related animals have closely related eye genes, which would result in similar eyes. Vertebrates: camera-like eyes with a single lens. Flies, lobsters and other arthropods: compound eyes made up of many eye units. * 发育与进化 王 文 中德马普进化基因组学青年科学家小组 遗传资源与进化国家重点实验室 中国科学院昆明动物研究所 Welcome to evolutionary developmental biology (Evo Devo) 内容: 1、进化发育生物学简介 2、我们的思考和研究 做科学要有好的科学问题: 科学体系发展中不可回避、必须回答的问题 可以操作的问题 The Art of feasible! 背景: 遗传、发育和进化是生命科学中的本质问题,我们看到的各种各样的生物组织、器官和性状无不是千百万年来遗传变异经自然选择固定并最后通过发育展现而来。长期以来科学家们一直在试图把这三方面联系起来。随着分子生物学、进化基因组学和发育生物学等现代生命科学和技术的迅速发展和结合,这种努力首次变得富有希望。20多年前兴起的进化发育生物学(Evolutionary developmental biology,常简称Evo-Devo)是这种希望的一个开端,该学科试图从基因表达在发育过程中的变化理解不同物种形态发生和功能的进化(Hall,1992)。 Thomas Hunt Morgan, “Embryology and Genetics” (1934) 第一次提出了胚胎发育的可能细胞分化机制:基因表达的时空分化 在过去的30年中,我们已经发现了各种动物均使用的发育调控基因基本的细胞过程,形成了“进化发育生物学”这一分支学科。 进化发育生物学(evolutionary developmental biology): 旨在阐明生物进化中发育过程和机制怎样改变以及这些改变如何造就过去和现在的生物多样性的一门学科。(Baguna and Garcia-Fernandez, 2003). 物种之间发育基因的比较(Sean Carrol, 2005) 常简称“Evo Devo” Evo-devo is one of the newest areas of biology. It seeks to explain evolutionary events through the mechanisms of developmental biology. Its major questions are often the questions of the late 1800s which had been left waiting for other generations of biologists to unravel. We are those generations. These questions include: How did wings evolve? How did limbs evolve? How did vertebrates arise from invertebrates? How did vertebrates form their head? The Modern Synthesis of the 1930s and 1940s was the synthesis of evolutionary biology and popu


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