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BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF BOEC -- ADVANCED STAGE 北京英语口语证书考试,是一项以语言交际能力为核心,只强调口语的测评体系。 一、考试分三个级别,分别定位为: 初级:日常英语我会说; 中级:岗位英语我能讲; 高级:职场英语我会用。 高级考试要求能从事公务活动和英语口语的一般翻译工作。 其较低要求适合于我国普通高中毕业生入大学后,又学习了2年公共英语或通过自学达到了同等水平的考生;其较高要求的标准相当于我国普通高校英语专业大专或大专以上水平。 二、考试方式: 高级口语考试时间为12-15分钟,考试采用考官与考生一对一对话方式。 三、考试步骤和考试要求: I. Introduction and General Conversation (about 4 minutes) II. Topic Presentation and Follow-up questions (about 4 minutes) III. Presentation and Discussion (about 4 minutes) 四、评价标准 以整体印象法为主,兼顾分项打分----领悟及反应、语音语调、词汇语法、互动交际 考试成绩分为三级: 优秀: 4.5分及以上 及格: 2.5分及以上 不及格:2.5分以下 BOEC高级口试样题 I. Introduction and General Conversation (about 4 minutes) Good morning/afternoon! Sit down, please. My name is …(examiners full name) Whats your name? Thank you. Now, first of all, Id like to know something about you. Do you live locally? How did you get here today?(What kind of journey did you have to get here today?) Do you live with your family or friends? Do you work or are you a student? (If the candidate is working, ask the following questions.) Could you tell me something about your work? What do you like most about your job? (If the candidate is a student, ask the following questions) What subjects are you studying? What subject do you like best?/Which subject is your favourite? Could you tell me something about your early school days? What were they like? What do you plan to study in the future? Why? Thank you. Now, Id like to ask you some questions about your personal experience. What’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever done? Is there anything you’d like to be able to do in the future? What do you enjoy doing most when you’re at home? …… Thank you. Now, Id like to ask you one more question. (Select one more question.) What do you enjoy doing with your friends? How important is TV to you? What’s the longest journey you’ve ever been on? Thank you. II. Topic presentation and follow-up questions (about 4 minutes) Okey, now I’m going to show you three topics on the screen. Pl


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