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“六·一”儿童节少先队员代表讲话 “六·一”儿童节少先队员代表讲话提要:今天我们一起欢庆自己的节日,心中感慨万千,成长的岁月中那些鲜活鲜亮的记忆涌上我的心头!多少次,我们享受着春风化雨的关怀;无数回 源自管理资料 “六·一”儿童节少先队员代表讲话 尊敬的各位领导、敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们: 你们好! 六月,我们在温馨中沉醉;六月,我们在幸福中成长。快乐的“六·一”儿童节,在亿万儿童盼望的目光中,迈着轻盈的脚步,翩然而至,在此,我代表全体的少先队员向关心支持我们成长的各位领导表示最真诚的感谢,向辛勤耕耘、无私奉献的全体老师、辅导员表示最崇高的敬意! 今天我们一起欢庆自己的节日,心中感慨万千,成长的岁月中那些鲜活鲜亮的记忆涌上我的心头!多少次,我们享受着春风化雨的关怀;无数回,感觉一双双有力的大手扶我们长大。不知什么时候起,我们的影子在不断伸长,脚步匆匆却那么坚定,点点滴滴都在记录着我们的成长!我们去努力、去尝试,构建着丰厚的知识大厦,打造着我们的道德基石。 千里之行,始于足下!同学们,让我门用心灵的琴弦,用童年的祝愿,用稚嫩的小手,用五彩的画笔,去歌唱美好的未来,去描绘灿烂的明天.我们是新世纪的雏鹰,今天,我们磨练双翼;明天,我们将搏击长空!我们就是我们,红领巾在胸前燃烧.我们将撑起命运之舟,拖起明天之阳,为少先队的未来而努力!让明天因我们而骄傲!谢谢大家, 源自管理资料 Measures for the routine management of moral education in Middle SchoolsMethod of conventional management of moral education in middle schoolFirst, the guiding ideology:School moral education is an organic whole of the whole education work, always adhere to the school adhere to the moral education, education for this product, and actively promote the quality education, the school building efficient curriculum system of moral education, moral education, improve the sense of attraction and appeal, enhance the moral education work for through and timeliness. Teach everyone, service education and management education, and school moral education work must be with family education and community education closely together, to form a concerted pattern, and strive to create a good atmosphere for education, and to promote the all-round development of students, to establish a scientific moral education full of vigor the For long-term mechanism.Two, the goal of moral education:To guide the students to form the correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, to cultivate students unity and mutual assistance, honest and trustworthy, law-abiding, good quality, hard work, set a good XX students ideological quality, psychological quality and image quality. The formation of excellent moral education curriculum system and management system, the construction of school. The


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