牛津译林版英语高3Module 10“unit 1 building the future”课件之1.pptVIP

牛津译林版英语高3Module 10“unit 1 building the future”课件之1.ppt

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牛津译林版英语高3Module 10“unit 1 building the future”课件之1

1.收成毁损 2.提高公众对饥荒的意识 3.饥荒救济基金 4.受到关注 5.施加巨大压力 6.除此以外 7.夺走一千万人的生命 1. destroyed harvests 2. raise public awareness of the famine 3. famine relief funding 4. receive much attention 5. put /place pressure on 6. on top of this 7. claim ten million lives 8.全球健康威胁 9.在努力干……中 10.处于危机时刻 11.养活自己 12.惊人的成就 13.远远落后于.. 14.长期问题的短期解决办法 15.从进口粮食过渡到生产粮食 8. global health risk 9. in trying to do… 10. during times of crisis 11. support oneself an amazing achievement fall further behind … a short-term solution to a long-term problem switch from importing food to producing it 16.与贫困的根源作斗争 17.平稳运作 18.创造就业机会 19.而不是依赖他人 20.存在于… 21.开始学习缝制衣服 22.发展解决问题和沟通的技能 23.用金属丝制作艺术品 24.产量迅速增加 25.通向更美好未来的良好开端 fight the cause of poverty run smoothly create jobs instead of being dependent on/ upon lie in / consist in have been taught to sew clothing develop one’s problem solving and communication skills make works of art from wire a rapidly growing output a good start towards a better future Group work What should we do to fight poverty of our country? What are the present situation in poor areas of China? (life/job opportunity/education...) What are the measures already taken? What further steps should we take? Todays west region of China Transportation Power system Hospital Homework Write a report of what we should do to fight poverty of our country, paying special attention



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