牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 2“Fit for life”(Period Six)课件.pptVIP

牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 2“Fit for life”(Period Six)课件.ppt

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牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 2“Fit for life”(Period Six)课件

Unit 2 Fit for life arrowhead needle 镜针 round needle 圆针 a needle that is not sharp 推针 sword-like needle 剑头针 cupping Gua sha treatment 推拿疗法 massage traditional Chinese herbal medicine 食疗 dietotherapy Page ? * Page ? * M7 U2 Project Exploring Chinese medicine What is happening to this person? She is receiving an acupuncture treatment acupuncture needles points pulse: energy channels What disease? How? different kinds of needles used in the past Original form: Uses then: Development: ____ knives ___________ needles ______ needles Uses of 4 different needles: needles ’bian stones‘ making holes on swollen areas of the body stone stone/ pottery metal A needle that is not sharp Sword-like needle Round needle Arrowhead needle cutting the surface of the skin rubbing knocking or pressing letting liquid out of swollen parts Uses of different needles help find out which e____________ doesn’t have enough energy. Reasons for pulse checking number of pulses:____ on each w_____ each is connected with a body organ or f_______of an organ. Pulse checking ask the patient’s m______ history and l______. look at the color of the patient’s s____ and t_____ listen to his b______ and check his p_______. Examination edical ifestyle kin ongue reathing ulse 6 rist unction nergy channel Numbers : past- nowadays- How do acupuncturists do acupuncture treatment? points 365 2000 insert needles at or near the site of the disease select points based on the symptoms that the patient has What medical problems can acupuncture treat? How does acupuncture reduce and relieve pain ? bad pains( such as neck and back pains), headaches, injuries, stomach problems and blood pressure problems. addictions to cigarettes, drugs, alcohol and food (overeating). What medical problems can acupuncture treat? How does acupuncture reduce and relieve pain? blocks pain signals from reaching the spinal cord promotes the producti



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