牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 2“Fit for life”(Reading1)课件.pptVIP

牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 2“Fit for life”(Reading1)课件.ppt

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牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 2“Fit for life”(Reading1)课件

* Reading 1 Unit 2 Two life-saving medicines Unit 2 课件描述: 本课件为reading第一课时。课件分为六部分,首先通过问题导入文章,加以听力,泛读,精读训练帮助学生了解文章大意,继而介绍文章阅读技巧,最后是巩固和复习部分。本课教学主要通过介绍技巧,辅助学生掌握大意,了解文章重点难点,并在其中贯穿听说基本训练。达到听、说、读的综合训练效果。 Unit 2 Reading 1 —Let’s warm up Fill in the blanks A good _________ tastes bitter. Laugh is the best ____ in the world. There is no ______ against death. Question: What do good medicines have in common? Although there is no medicine against death, but good medicines can make people feel better, and save people’s lives. Two life-saving medicines What medicines have you ever taken? And what do you know about them? What about the two medicines? How much do you know about the two medicines? Who invented the two medicines? What illnesses can the two medicines be used to treat ? 1. When was aspirin first sold as a tablet? In 1900. 2. What did Fleming, Florey and Chain share? The Nobel Prize. Listen to the article and try to answer the questions in C1 on page 20. Answers: 1. About 2500 years ago. 2. In 1897. 3. It can also help reduce the risk of heart attacks by thinning blood, prevent a stroke, reduce the risk of colon cancer, increase the length of people’s lives and help with diabetes. 4. In the mould that killed bacteria. 5. It can be used to treat bacterial illnesses and other illnesses including pneumonia. 6. Because Fleming discovered penicillin and the others turned it into the great drug which saved millions of lives. In 1900: In 1950: In 1971: In 1977: In 2003: sold in shops as a tablet as the best-selling painkiller recorded in the Guinness Book proved to be a blood-thinning medicine used to prevent a stroke used to reduce blood sugar levels Development of aspirin: In 1928: World War II: In 1945: discovered by Alexander Fleming found new chemical techniques to purify it all the scientists shared the Nobel Prize Development of Penicillin: Fill in the boxes. Sold in shops as a tablet 1


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