牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 2“Fit for life”(Welcome to the unit)课件.pptVIP

牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 2“Fit for life”(Welcome to the unit)课件.ppt

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牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 2“Fit for life”(Welcome to the unit)课件

Guessing Game —Let’s step forward more doctors … Psychiatrist Pediatrician Resident Doctor Herb Doctor …?? IQ test 1 Actually there are only two kinds of doctors we all have seen so far, what are they? Male doctors. Female doctors. IQ Test 2 Who in this world do not need to see a doctor? The Blind. —Let’s talk Picture talk In what way do doctors treat patients? History of Acupuncture Question The most common treatment is to take medicines. Do you know any person related to the discovery or invention of medicine? —Let’s conclude Conclusion In the long river of history, medicines changed people’s life; an invention of any kind of a small tablet embodies human being’s superb wisdom, through which, we can see human being’s great desire of keeping fit and cherishing their own lives. —Let’s discuss Discussion Medicines actually become one of necessities in our daily life. Can you imagine a day without any medicine in this world? What would it like to be? Homework Search information about the history of medicines. Preview Reading The doctors are performing an operation. During the process of an operation, the surgeons cut open a part of a person’s body and remove or repair a damaged part. What are they doing? (hints: perform, surgeon, cut open, repair, remove, damaged) What is the girl doing? She is having her eyesight examined to detect short sightedness. What do you call the man testing the girl’s eyes? An eye doctor. Do you have good eyesight? How can you protect your eyes? —Let’s think Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs. He was one of the first in history to utilize herbal medicine in his remedies. King of Medicine * Welcome to the unit Unit 2 Unit 2 课件描述: 本课件用于welcome to the unit,教学课时一课时。课件通过七个步骤,由浅至深,循序渐进,通过导入,猜测游戏,词汇积累,看图说话,话题讨论等步骤让学生对本单元的话题有一个充分的预热过程。本课时教学以学生为教学中心,通过学生讨论,思考以及课后自主搜查信息培养学生的自主学习能力。 As we all know, health is very important to everyone. Do you know how to keep he


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