牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 3“The world online”(Word power)课件.pptVIP

牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 3“The world online”(Word power)课件.ppt

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牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 3“The world online”(Word power)课件

Brainstorming How many words do you know related to the Internet? Part A on Page 38. Kenny finds the following page in a book. Read it with him first, then fill in the following blanks without looking at your books. Part B on Page 38. Read the sentences individually. Then tell me what these words mean or refer to in Chinese. search engine web address home page www website webpage link virus hacker (1) browse (2) search engine (3) web addresses (4) website (5) web page (6) home page (7) back arrow (8) refresh (9) minimize (10) download 1. Laugh out loud _________ 2. Keep in touch _________ 3. Be right back _________ 4. By the way _________ 5. Thanks again __________ 6. You’re welcome __________ 7. See you __________ 8. As soon as possible __________ * Word power Unit 3 The Internet Unit 3 课件描述: 这节课学生将要学习和因特网相关的词汇。本课件可以有效帮助学生拓展词汇,掌握和因特网及电脑使用相关的词汇以及人们在因特网上聊天常用词汇的缩写形式。 Can you remember some words we have learned related to computers? Lead in speaker monitor printer screen keyboard mouse Hard driver CD-ROM / DVD-ROM drive software, browse, search, download, upload, refresh, back arrow, minimize, maximize, close … When you _________ for something, you are looking for specific information. 2. You can click the button of _____________ to return to the previous page. 3. When you’re looking at information without a specific goal, you’re__________. 4. When you find something on the Internet that you want to save, you can __________ it onto your computer. search back arrow browsing download 浏览 搜索 下载 回车键 5. When you want to bring a page to full size, click the ___________ icon. 6. If you have something you want to publish on the Internet, you can __________ it from your computer. 7. When you finish viewing a page, you can click the ______ icon at the top right hand corner to


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