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浅谈素描基础教育对中国画的弊端 摘要:在现代美术中,素描作为造型艺术的基础,越来越受到人们的重视。素描基础训练是培养美术专业学生造型能力的重要环节之一要让学生在学好素描,一是教师自身应具备良好的专业技能,二是应有科学的教学方法,使技法和理论有机地融合在一起为了搞好美术教学中的基础环节――素描教学,关键学生对基础知识的掌握和提高提倡重点进行基础素描教学,并作了一些思考和尝试:首先,在教学训练过程中应在注重形体、质感、空间等技能性方面训练的同时,加强对学生的空间想象、理解能力、造型能力和对物象进行创造性处理的能力,以提高学生的综合能力素质。? n the modern fine arts education, the sketch as the basis of plastic arts, more and more get peoples attention. Sketch basic training is to cultivate fine arts students ability of one of the important link, also will cause some misunderstanding and prejudice in understanding of Chinese painting. To let students in learning the sketch, it is the teachers themselves should have good professional skills, the second is due and scientific teaching methods, techniques and theory organically fuses in together, need to get idea guidance and education. In order to do well the foundation link - sketch teaching in fine arts teaching, and not to the education of Chinese painting and carry forward the disadvantages, the key lies in the grasp of the basic knowledge and improve students. Advocate this study focus on the basis of the sketch teaching, and some thinking and trying: first of all, in the process of teaching training should be pay attention to the form, texture, spatial skills such as sexual training at the same time, to strengthen the students ability of space imagination, understanding, modelling ability and the ability of creative process was carried out on the object, in order to improve students comprehensive ability quality. ? Keywords: Chinese painting; The sketch. Element face basic education; Disadvantages. 引言 随着艺术思维的探索,素描几乎无处不在,它可能会是一串足迹,一路车辙,,或者是某物拖拽留下的一道痕迹。比如高速公路沿路滴漏的油迹,木头被蛀虫蛀蚀之后留下的痕迹,以至于天空中飞翔的鸟,水中游弋的鱼,它们都在身后留下一条条无形的弧线。因此,从这个意义上看,素描乃是运动留下的痕迹。站在我们教学的立场上来看,素描是一种把智力活动阐释成线条的过程。它是一种指导表达造型艺术最基本的,辩证的思维方式和独立的造型艺术。 中国画如同中国其它的艺术门类一样,共着一个同样的文化源头,(例如书法、戏曲等),也同样仰承吸收着中国文化的养分。这就是渊远流长贯穿中国艺术的“写意性”。“写意”,如仅仅理解为艺术方法,那只是盲人摸象 ;写意不仅是方法论,也是中国艺术的美学体系,审美法则及艺术哲学之基。以此为审美追求,相应以什么样的艺术手段——以及什么样的训练方法使之具备这种技法,从而完成以精神为主的艺术表


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