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A Study On E-C Film Titles Translation Strategies From Dynamic Equivalence by 胡静 A thesis presented to the School of English Studies of Xi’an International Studies University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts May 18, 2014 Class: 2010-09 Advisor: 动态对等理论下的英文电影片名翻译研究 摘要: 随着中国对外开放程度和中外文化交流程度的加深,英语电影正越来越多地涌入中国市场,成为了跨文化交际的重要媒介之一。作为电影的标签和门楣,电影片名的翻译至关重要。本文拟从动态对等理论角度出发,以大量经典电影片名为案例,总结译者在翻译电影名字时所使用的翻译策略,并从语言对等和文化对等两个方面对翻译过程中所使用的音译、直译、意译等翻译策略进行分析探讨。最后,文章指出译者在翻译过程中应把动态对等理论与具体翻译策略相结合,使目标观众对译名的反应与源语观众对电影片名的反应一致,最大程度的吸引观众,最终实现不同文化、不同国家、不同思想之间更好的交流和传播。 关键词: 电影片名翻译;动态对等理论;语言对等;文化对等 A Study On E-C Film Titles Translation Strategies From Dynamic Equivalence Abstract: With more and more English films’ appearance in the Chinese market, films have become one of the most important media for cross-cultural communication. The film title, as the movie’s face and label, is always put in the eye catching place to attract audience’s eyeballs at the first sight. Therefore, the study of film titles translation should be attached great importance to. This paper starts with the theory of dynamic equivalence theory, and takes a large number of classic movie titles as examples to summarize some main translation strategies used in film titles translation. Then the author analyzes different translation strategies, such as transliteration, literal translation and free translation from linguistic equivalence perspective and cultural equivalence perspective. At last, the paper indicates that translators should combine dynamic equivalence theory with specific translation strategies to make the target readers’ response to the original text similar to the original readers’ response to the original text. Eventually, this paper presents the audience a better understanding of different cultures, countries and thoughts. Keywords: film titles tra


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