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干式变压器温度检测仪 摘要 干式变压器由于具有难燃、安全、维护方便、体积小等特点,得到迅猛发展,并在城市的高层建筑和电站等场所得到广泛的应用在变压器运行中,如果遇到短路、过载、环境温度过高或冷却通风不够等情况时,就会使变压器过热。对于干式变压器,其热平衡性能差,绕组温度超过绝缘耐受温度使绝缘破坏,是导致变压器不能正常工作的主要原因。因此,对变压器绕组的运行温度进行监测、驱动风机实现强迫风冷及报警控制是十分重要的。干式变压器温度控制系统是维护干式变压器运行的重要部件,能有效防止变压器温升过高引发事故,还能促进变电站的科学管理,通过降低温度实现变压器的经济运行其工作可靠性的高低和操作是否方便将直接影响到干式变压器的运行质量。Pt100铂电阻为温度传感器并以NE555定时器作为A/D转换器,拥有看门狗电路、LED显示及简单的按键系统构成的干式变压器温度检测仪,检测仪能对干式变压器三相绕组的温度进行巡回检测。本设计的特点就是结构简单,所需电子器件较少,且功耗低,使用方便,具有十分广泛的应用前景。 关键词 干式变压器;温度检测;AT89C51;NE555定时器 The Temperature Measurement For Dry Type Transformer Abstract Dry power transformer as a flame retardant, security, maintenance-friendly, small size and other characteristics, by the rapid development and high-rise building in the citys power station and other places and been widely applied. Transformer in the operation in case of short circuit, overload, the ambient temperature high enough ventilation or cooling, and so on, it will make transformers overheated. For dry-type transformers, poor performance of its heat balance, winding temperature insulation resistance over the temperature insulation damage caused transformer is the main reason for not work properly. Therefore, the operation of the transformer winding temperature monitoring, fan-driven air-cooled and forced the police to achieve control is very important. Dry-type transformers temperature control system is to maintain the operation of dry-type transformers important components, transformers can effectively prevent accidents caused by high temperature, but also to promote the scientific management of substations, transformers by reducing the temperature to achieve the economic operation, the reliability of its work Level and operational convenience will directly influence the operation of dry-type transformers quality. This design from the system, hardware design, structure and procedures introduced a microcontroller as the core AT89C51-based, Pt100 platinum resistance to temperature sensor and a timer to NE555 A / D conver



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