THE MAKING OF A NATION #096 - Abraham Lincoln, Part 1.pdf

THE MAKING OF A NATION #096 - Abraham Lincoln, Part 1.pdf

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THE MAKING OF A NATION #096 - Abraham Lincoln, Part 1.pdf

THE MAKING OF A NATION #96 - Abraham Lincoln, Part 1 By Frank Beardsley Broadcast: January 6, 2004 (MUSIC) VOICE ONE: THE MAKING OF A NATION -- a program in Special English. (MUSIC) By February first, eighteen-sixty-one, seven southern states had withdrawn from the United States of America. They created their own independent nation, the Confederate States of America. The south seceded because a Republican, Abraham Lincoln, had been elected president. Southerners believed Lincoln would support a constitutional ban on slavery. They were afraid their way of life was about to end. Im Harry Monroe. Today, Kay Gallant and I tell about the beginning of Abraham Lincolns administration. VOICE TWO: President-elect Lincoln traveled by train from his home in Illinois to Washington, D.C. Along the way, he stopped to make speeches. As he got closer to Washington, he was warned that a mob was planning to attack the train. He had to continue his trip in secret. Lincoln arrived in Washington nine days before his inauguration. It was a busy time. He talked with many people, including delegates to a peace convention. Every state was represented at the convention, Abraham Lincoln except the states that had seceded. The delegates urged Lincoln to support slavery. They urged him not to go to war over the issue. Lincoln said only that he would faithfully execute the duties of President of all the United States. He said he would protect and defend the American Constitution. VOICE ONE: While Lincoln waited for inauguration day, he chose the members of his cabinet. He wanted men representing all opposing groups in the Republican Party. He hoped this would unite the party and give him support in the difficult years ahead. Lincoln chose William Seward as Secretary of State. Salmon Chase as Treasury Secretary. Gideon Welles as Navy Secretary. And Montgomery Blair as Postmaster General. Seward did not like Chase, Welles, or Blair. He told Lincoln t


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