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Unit 9 Book 4.ppt

Unit Nine Science and Technology In-Class Reading Too Fast Thanks for Your Attention! lag (Line 41, Para. 6) n. (=time lag) a period of time between the first and second of two closely connected events(一个现象和另一个相关现 象中间地)相隔时间 This work must go forward without lag. 这项工作必须毫不迟疑地进行。 Translation 由于飞行时差综合症,他刚到美国的那两周总是半 夜就醒来了。 He always woke up at mid-night for the first two weeks in the US because of jet-lag. v. lag behind: to move or develop more slowly (than others) 走得慢, 滞后,落后 He lagged behind the rest of the climbers. 他落在了其他登山者的后面。 Translation 那个国家在信息技术发展方面已经远远落后了。 That country has already lagged far behind in the development of information technology. evolution (Line 43, Para. 6) n. 1) the scientific idea that living things develop and change over time 演变,进化(论) In the course of evolution, some birds have lost the power of flight. 在进化的过程中,一些鸟失去了飞行 的能力。 Translation 进化能使生物变得更加强壮, 更加适应环境。 Evolution can enable creatures to become stronger and more adaptable to the environment. n. 2) gradual change and development 发展 The evolution of personal computer reflects the importance of science and technology. 个人电脑的发展反映出了科学与 技术的重要性。 Translation 无线通讯技术在20世纪的发展是令人瞩目的。 The evolution of wireless communication technology is remarkable in the 20th century. 动词形式: evolve v. (使)发展, (使)进展, (使)进化 contradict (Line 45, Para. 6) v. 1) be contrary to, be inconsistent with 同……矛盾;同……抵触 Exercise His description about the suspect _______________ ___________________. 他对那名嫌疑犯的描述与我们掌握的情况完全矛盾。 totally contradicts Popular Harry Potter series movies ______________________________ _______. 深受欢迎的哈利·波特系列电影在内容 上与原著略有出入。 somewhat contradict the originals in 请完成下面的句子。 the information we got content v. 2) disagree with something, especially by saying that the opposite is true 反驳,抗辩,否认 Translation 杰克总是顶撞他的老板。 Jack always contradicted his boss. 演讲者弄糊涂了,说话自相矛盾起来。 The speaker was confused and started contradicting himself . 名词形式: c


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