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人教版高中二年级 必修5 unit2 the united kingdom.ppt
The united kingdom Unit 2 长乐第三中学 Hyde Park the River Thames and the Big Ben Buckingham Palace The national emblem The national flower THE ROYAL ARMY Kilts and scottish bagpipes Telephone booths in the street How much do you know about the United Kingdom :P please do the quiz and find out how much you know about the United Kingdom on page 9 c b b a b How many countries is the UK made up of? Can you name the capital cities of the countries of the UK? Four countries,they are England,Wales,Scotland and Northern IrelandThe capital cities of each countries are:London(England),Cardiff(Wales),Edinburgh(Scotland),Belfast so the full name of the UK is : THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND true or false when we refer to England, wales included. Ireland is part of UK. Northern Ireland ,England and Scotland have the same institution. England can be divided into three zones. We can find British history and culture in London. The Vikings did not influence London. T F northern Ireland F they have differnt institutions T T the greatest historical treasure of all is London with its museums ... T The Vikings influenced the vocabulary and place-names of the North of England. London is in the south of England Match the parts with the main ideas of each part Part 1(p1,2,3) Part 2(p4) Part3(p5) The geographical division of England into zones,their similarities and differences. The cultural importance of London. What England includes ,about great Britain and the UK. Answes on page 11 1: England, Wales , Scotland 2: England, Wales 3: England, Wales , Scotland, Northern Ireland 4 : Republic of Southern Ireland 5 : England/Great Britain/ the UK GOOD BYE, ENJOY YOUR JOURNEY IN THE UK * *
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