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2010 年 第 4 卷 增刊 1 南 方 电 网 技 术 技术论坛二等奖论文
2010 ,Vol. 4 ,Supplement 1 SOUTHERN POWER SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY Articles of 2nd Grade Award in Forum
文章编号:1674-0629 (2010)S1-0013-05 中图分类号:TM734 文献标志码:A
1 2 1 2 1 1
高明 ,陈珂宁 ,李文云 ,吴文传 ,谢一工 ,尹成全
(1. 云南电力调度中心,昆明650011 ; 2. 清华大学 电机系 电力系统国家重点实验室, 北京100084 )
括系统结构及关键技术。该系统把 PAS 功能模块,诸如拓扑分析、潮流和安全分析等,集成到操作票开票过程中,形
The Design of Operational Security Preventive Control and Decision-Making
System for Yunnan Power Grid
1 2 1 2 1 1
GAO Ming , CHEN Kening , LI Yunwen , WU Wenchuan , XIE Yigong , YIN Chengquan
(1. Yunnan Electric Power Dispatching Center, Kunming 650011, China)
(2. State Key Laboratory of Power Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
Abstract: Facing the issue of weak feasibility of the traditional operation ticket, this paper proposes an operational security
preventive control and decision making system, including its configuration and key technology. In this system the fundamental
functions of PAS such as topology analysis, power flow, and security analysis are integrated into the procedure of operation tickets
making, resulting graphically in a complete solution as following: from operation sequence to security checking, to